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Exp 09

Paper Chromatography

  1. Add 6mL of mobile phase into chromatography chamber. Keep the chamber closed for 10 minutes.
  2. Now we prepare our chromatography paper (whatmann paper), make sure the scale doesn't touch the paper. Make a 6 x 4 cutout. Always hold the paper at the top.
  3. Now we draw a line 1cm above the bottom of the paper to mark the origin. Let us mark 3 equidistant points on the line. Mark them as A, B and M respectively.
  4. Dip the capillary tube on the PhenylAnaline solution, it will automaticlly draw up. Tap the tube on the spot A it will auto drop.
  5. Use another capillary tube for the next solution. Do the same for the mixture solution. On the paper mention your ID Number in the top right corner, and place the paper in the chromatograhy chamber till the mobile phase has covered ¾th of your paper. Remove the chromatography paper and mark the dipped portion using a pencil. Then we have to airdry the paper.
  6. Now we have to spray the ninhydrin spray. When you spray it be sure to not inhale the vapours yourself. After that we dry it in the oven. After drying we can notice different spots, we will mark the center of the spots and measure the distance between the origin to the center of the colored spots.

  7. Formula for RF Value: Distance travelled by the substance (spot) / Total distance travelled by solvent.

Last Updated: 2023-03-31 ; Contributors: SivaaB, AhmedThahir
