04 Search
Write a C/C++/JAVA program to perform the following: 1. Initialize 10000 unique, positive and consecutive integers whose values are in the range \([0-9999]\), and store them in serial/ascending order in an array A[10000]
. i.e. you are already initializing the array in the sorted order using an iterative statement. 2. Implement the Linear Search and Binary Search algorithms and DISPLAY the <position in the array, search_time>
for the following test cases: \(5000, 9997, 50000\)
(assume index of the first element in array is 0)
Algorithm linearSearch()
OUTPUT position of data
pos <- -1
for i<-0 to (n-1) do
if a[i] = data
pos = i
return pos
Algorith binarySearch()
OUTPUT position of searched element
pos <- -1
f <- 0
l <- n-1
while f <= l
if a[m] < data
f = m+1
else if a[m] > data
l = m-1
pos = i
return pos
Time Complexity¶
Algorithm | Complexity |
linearSearch | \(O(n)\) |
binarySearch | \(O(\log_2 n)\) |
Source Code¶
// Ahmed Thahir 2020A7PS0198U
package Programs;
class p04
static int n = 10000;
static int n1 = 5000,
n2 = 9997,
n3 = 50000;
static int[] a = new int[n];
static float linearSearchTime, binarySearchTime;
public static void initialize()
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
a[i] = i;
public static int linearSearch(int d)
int pos = -1;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
if(a[i] == d)
pos = i;
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
linearSearchTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000f;
return pos;
public static int binarySearch(int d)
int pos = -1;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
int f = 0, l = n-1, m;
while(f <= l)
m = (f+l)/2;
if(a[m] < d)
f = m + 1;
else if ( a[m] > d)
l = m - 1;
else // a[m] == d
pos = m;
long endTime = System.nanoTime();
binarySearchTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000f;
return pos;
public static void linearSearchDisplay()
"Linear Search \n" +
"Input \t Index \t Search Time(microsec) \n" +
n1 + "\t" + linearSearch(n1) + "\t" + linearSearchTime + "\n" +
n2 + "\t" + linearSearch(n2) + "\t" + linearSearchTime + "\n" +
n3 + "\t" + linearSearch(n3) + "\t" + linearSearchTime + "\n"
public static void binarySearchDisplay()
"Binary Search \n" +
"Input \t Index \t Search Time(microsec) \n" +
n1 + "\t" + binarySearch(n1) + "\t" + binarySearchTime + "\n" +
n2 + "\t" + binarySearch(n2) + "\t" + binarySearchTime + "\n" +
n3 + "\t" + binarySearch(n3) + "\t" + binarySearchTime + "\n"
public static void main(String[] args)
Test Cases¶
Linear Search
Input Index Search Time(microsec)
5000 5000 108.2
9997 9997 221.8
50000 -1 220.7
Binary Search
Input Index Search Time(microsec)
5000 5000 2.1
9997 9997 1.1
50000 -1 0.7