06 Miscelaneous SQL
Referential Integrity¶
Ensuring that the tuples in foreign table are in the main tables as well.
Check Clause¶
However, subqueries in check clause is not supported. Hence, triggers are preferred
speeds up querying, by using the indexes instead of looking at all records
create table student(
id int(4)
primary key(id);
create index idIndex on student(id);
select id
from student
where age > 10;
User-Defined Types¶
Large-Object Types¶
Photos, videos, files are stored as a large object.
blob | clob |
binary large object | character large object |
large collection of uninterpreted binary data | character dat |
(some point)
- Read (select)
- References (allow to create foreign key)
- Insert
- Update
- Delete
- Index
- Resources
- Alteration
- Drop
grant <privilegeList> on tableName/viewName to <userList>
grant select on instructor to user1, user2, user3
grant all privileges instructor to user1, user2, user3
create view geo_view as (select * from instructor where deptName = "Geology");
grant select on geo_view to geo_staff;
revoke <privilegeList> on tableName/viewName from <userList>
revoke select on instructor from user1, user2, user3
revoke all privileges instructor from user1, user2, user3
create role roleName;
grant roleName to userName;
create role instructor;
grant instructor to Sapna;
Priveleges can be granded/revoked from roles as well