05 Use Joins
Write a SQL statement to know which salesman are working for which customer. select name as Salesperson , cust_name as Customer
from salesman inner join customer
on salesman . salesman_id = customer . salesman_id ;
Write a SQL statement to find the list of customers who appointed a salesman for their jobs who gets a commission from the company is more than 12%. select customer . cust_name as Customer
from customer natural join salesman
where salesman . commission > 0.12 ;
Write a SQL statement to find the list of customers who appointed a salesman for their jobs who does not live in the same city where their customer lives, and gets a commission is above 12%. select distinct customer . cust_name as Customer
from customer join salesman
where salesman . city != customer . city
and salesman . commission > 0.12 ;
Write a SQL statement to make a join on the tables salesman, customer and orders in such a form that the same column of each table will appear once and only the relational rows will come. select *
from salesman natural join customer natural join orders ;
Write a SQL statement to make a list in ascending order for the customer who works either through a salesman or by own. select customer . cust_name as Customer
from customer
order by customer . cust_name asc ;
Write a SQL statement to make a cartesian product between salesman and customer i.e. each salesman will appear for all customer and vice-versa. select *
from customer left outer join salesman
on customer . salesman_id = salesman . salesman_id ;
Create course, prereq tables & insert the values as given in the following tables
course_id title dept_name credits BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 CS-190 Game Design Comp. Sci. 4 CS-315 Robotics Comp. Sci. 3
course_id prereq_id BIO-301 BIO-101 CS-190 CS-101 CS-347 CS-101
use 20200198db ;
set foreign_key_checks = 0 ;
drop table if exists course , prereq ;
set foreign_key_checks = 1 ;
create table course (
course_id varchar ( 20 ),
title varchar ( 20 ),
dept_name varchar ( 20 ),
credits int ,
primary key ( course_id )
create table prereq (
course_id varchar ( 20 ),
prereq_id varchar ( 20 ),
primary key ( course_id , prereq_id )
## foreign key(course_id) references course(course_id),
## foreign key(prereq_id) references course(course_id)
insert into course values
( "BIO-301" , "Genetics" , "Biology" , 4 ),
( "CS-190" , "Game Design" , "Comp. Sci." , 4 ),
( "CS-315" , "Robotics" , "Comp. Sci." , 3 );
insert into prereq values
( "BIO-301" , "BIO-101" ),
( "CS-190" , "CS-101" ),
( "CS-347" , "CS-101" );
Perform left outer join to get the following output. course_id title dept_name credits prereq_id BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 BIO-101 CS-190 Game Design Comp. Sci. 4 CS-101 CS-315 Robotics Comp. Sci. 3 null
select *
from course
natural left outer join prereq ;
Perform right outer join to get the following output. course_id title dept_name credits prereq_id BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 BIO-101 CS-190 Game Design Comp. Sci. 4 CS-101 CS-347 null
select course_id , title , dept_name , credits , prereq_id
from course
natural right outer join prereq ;
Perform full outer join to get the following output. course_id title dept_name credits prere_id BIO-301 Genetics Biology 4 BIO-101 CS-190 Game Design Comp. Sci. 4 CS-101 CS-315 Robotics Comp. Sci. 3 null
CS-347 null
select *
from course
full join prereq ;
## only thing that worked