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11 Groups

Order of an element

For \(+, \oplus\)

Regular/modulo addition operator

\(x \oplus y =\) ??

what positive number multiplied gives the product as the identity element

For \(\times, \otimes\)

Regular/modulo multiplication operator

what number raised to gives the final answer as the identity element

For Both

If \(a \in G\), G is a group, then the order of \(a\) is the order of the cyclic group

COSETS & Lagrange’s Theorem


  • \(G\) be a group
  • \(H\) be its subgroup
  • \(a \in G\)
  • \(h \in H\)

  • COSETS may be duplicated, but we are only concerned about disjoint COSETS

  • Union of disjoint COSETS will be \(G\)
  • no of elements in COSET = no of elements in \(H\)
\(+\) \(a + H = \set{a + h, h \in H}\) \(H + a = \set{h + a, h \in H}\)
\(\times\) \(a H = \set{a \times h}\) \(Ha = \set{h \times a}\)


If \(b \in G, b \ne a\)

  1. \(a \in H \iff aH = H\)
  2. \(aH = bH \iff a^{-1} b \in H\)
  3. \(a \in bH \iff a^{-1} \in H b^{-1}\)
  4. \(a \in bH \iff aH = bH\)

\(^{-1}\) means inverse (could be additive or multiplicative inverse)

Lagrange’s Theorem

Let \(G\) be a finite group of order \(n\) and \(H\) be any subgroup of \(G\). Then the order of H divides the order of \(G\).

\([G:H]\) = index of H = no of distinct left COSETS of H in G

Let \(r\) be index of H. Let \(|G| = n,|H| = m\). Then \(n = mr \implies \frac n m = r\). Clearly, \(m\) divides \(n\)


A cyclic group can only have subgroups with no of elements which divides the

eg: \((Z_7, \oplus_7)\) can only have subgroups having no of elements dividing \(7\). So, it can either be \(<1>\) or \(<7>\).

Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
