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03 Temporal Logic

Temporal Logic


Linear Time Branching Time
sequential conditional
infinite straight line infinite tree
branches N Y

Temporal Connectives

State Quantifiers

For both LTL and CTL

Symbol Meaning
\(X\) ne==X==t state
\(F\) some ==F==uture state, including the current state
XF some future state, from the next state onwards
\(G\) all future states, including the current state (==G==lobally)
XG all future states, from the next state onwards
\(U\) ==U==ntil \((<)\)
\(\phi U \psi\) means that \(\phi\) is true initially and then suddenly \(\psi\) becomes true. anything after that doesn’t matter
\(R\) ==R==elease
\(\phi R \psi\) means that both \(\phi\) and \(\psi\) occur once together. anything after that doesn’t matter
\(W\) ==W==eak-until \((\le)\)
(not really sure)

Path Quantifiers

(only for CTL) | Symbol | Meaning | | -----: | ----------------------- | | A | for ==A==ll paths | | E | there ==E==xists a path |

Operator Precedence

  1. Unary operators
  2. Temporal binary operators
  3. Non-temporal binary operators


\[ \underbrace{s_0 \underbrace{\to}_\text{transition} s_1}_\text{path} \]

State diagram

\(\mathcal{P}\) is the power set

Paths (\(\pi\))

\(\pi^i\) is the path originating from state \(s_i\)


state having no further transitions

Removing deadlock

add a another state \(s_d\) which has a self-loop

State Diagram

flowchart LR
        s0 --> s1 & s2
        s1 --> s1


Representing a state diagram using a binary tree is called as unwinding

flowchart TB
s0 --> s1 & s2
s1 --> s[s1]

CTL Equivalences

Paths States
Universal Quantifier A G
Existential Quantifier E F
\[ \begin{aligned} \lnot AF \phi &= EG \lnot \phi \\ \lnot EF \phi &= AG \lnot \phi \\ \lnot AX \phi &= EX \lnot \phi \\ AF \phi &= A[T \cup \phi] \\ EF \phi &= E[T \cup \phi] \end{aligned} \]

Adequate Sets

\[ \begin{aligned} AX \phi &= \lnot EX \lnot \phi \\ AG &=\\ \end{aligned} \]

there are more

Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
