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05 Modal Logic

it extends propositional and predicate logic


is similar to state

it’s like a reality in Rick and Morty. We can assume every thing that can/cannot happpens as part of infinite realities.


Symbol Meaning Interpretation CTL Equivalent
\(\Box\) Necessarily All worlds \(AX\)
\(\Diamond\) Possibly Some world \(EX\)


Type Representation Interpretation
Possibility \(\Diamond \phi = \lnot \Box (\lnot \phi)\) possibly true; not necessarily false
Necessity \(\Box \phi = \lnot \Diamond (\lnot \phi)\) necessarily true; not possibly false
Uncertainity \(\lnot(\Box \phi) = \Diamond (\lnot \phi)\) not necessarily true; possibly false
Impossibility \(\lnot (\Diamond \phi) = \Box (\lnot \phi)\) not possibly true; necessarily false


  1. Necessity requires possibility, impossibility requires uncertainity

  2. Necessity \(\implies\) possibility, impossibility \(\implies\) uncertainity

  3. Necessity and impossibility are not symbolically contradictory (look at the position of the \(\lnot\) symbol)

\[ \begin{aligned} &\Box(\phi) \\ \underbrace{}_\text{not here} &\Box ( \lnot \phi) \end{aligned} \]
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
