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01 Intro

What happens when we switch on computer

  1. BIOS(Basic Input Output System) loaded from the ROM(Read-Only Memory)
  2. BIOS loads OS into the RAM RAM should atleast be the size of the OS
  3. OS loads programs from disk to RAM Program: set of instructions executed by \(\mu p\)

What is an instruction?

Tells the MP what actions to perform

  • operations
    • logic
    • arithmetic
  • read data from input device
  • write to memory
  • reset
  • stop

Assembly program gives these instructions. Each microprocessor understands these instructions in different ways.

High-level program use statements which get compiled/interpreted into machine language. Allows programmer focus on the logic, rather than worrying about how it will understood by the MP.


has both sequential and combinational circuits

  • Control unit has sequential circuits
  • ALU has combinational circuits

Size of the processor = size of ALU


Instructions is a set of command, used by the mp to perform to certain taks

  1. Fetch Instruction Instruction taken from the memory and stored in instruction register
  2. Decode Instruction
  3. Fetch Operand(s)
  4. Execute Cycle actions are performed
  5. Store result

Make this into block diagram

  • BIU - Bus Interface Unit
  • ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • Execution Unit


Microcontrollers like Arduino have the memory also embedded to the processor





Instruction Set Architecture

This is the design/theory

  1. Execution Model
  2. Processor Register
  3. Address and Data Formats


This is the hardware components

  1. Interconnections between elements
  2. ALU
  3. Data Path
  4. Control Path


MicroProcessor Unit
MicroController Unit
CPU Clock rate > 1 GHz 1 MHz - 0.4 GHz
Memory location External Internal
Memory capacity > 0.5 GB 2 KB - 512 KB
Storage location External Internal
Storage capacity > 64 GB 32 KB - 2 MB
I/O External Internal
Peripherals External Internal
No glue logic/software needed
Power Consumption Higher
> 30W
\(\rm{150 \micro W - 23.5 mW}\)
Size Large Small
Design flexibility
Use Computer system Embedded system
Other names SOC (System on a chip)
Embedded controller
Computer on a chip

Types of Microprocessors

Full Form Reduced Instruction Set Computing Complex Instruction Set Computing
Gives importance to Hardware Software
Can access memory directly?
(requires registers)
Amount of Instructions Small Large
Coding Instructions complexity Complex Simple
Machine Instructions complexity Simple Complex
Decoder Reduced Instruction Decoder Complex Instruction Decoder
Architecture Register only Register-Memory
Speed Fast
Clock cyles for executing an instruction \(\ge 1\) \(1\)
Usage Real-Time Operations
Complexity lies in Microprogram Compiler
Application IOT (Internet of Things)
Examples ARM x86 processors like 8086

x86 Family

  • CISC
  • Instructions are broken into \(\micro\) operations

8086 has 1MB capacity

Bits Address Lines
8086 16
80286 16

8086 (Tut)

Lines 20 \(A_0 \to A_{19}\)
Data bus 16 \(A_0 \to A_{15}\)
memory locations \(2^{20}\)
Size of each memory location 1 byte 8 bits
total memory 2 MB


We represent the address of each location in 5bit hex \(00000H \to FFFFFH\)

If we need to store 16bits of data

  • we need 2 bytes
  • so we will require 2 contigious memory locations

Memory Addressing

Each range of addresses is allocated for different **segments **of registers

  • Code segment
  • Data segment
  • Stack segment
  • Extra segment
  • Instruction pointer

If CS = 10000 and offet = 0002, then DS = 10002

Internal Cache

a small and fast SRAM memory attached to the processor, for pre-fetching data





The reason we're left-shifting by 1 digit is because

  • Address is to be 20 bits (5hex digits)
  • Pointer we want to hold 16bits (4 hex digits) because the blocks in x86 architecture
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
