02 Classes
collection of data and related functions into a single entity
- fields/properties - variables
- methods - functions
- constructor
- custom
- nested classes
Naming convention is TitleCase
Instance of a class
declared using new
. operator is called object reference operator / relationship operator
class Student
String name;
int age;
Student(String aName, int aAge) // constructor
name = aName;
age = aAge;
void display()
System.out.println(name + age); // abc10
public class StudentTester
public static void main(String args[])
Student s1 = new Student("abc", 10);
Checks if an object belongs to a particular class
returns Boolean true/false
Syntax: (object reference var) instanceof (class/interface type)
Object reference¶
Just assigning one object name to another object name just assigns the pointer location; doesn't copy the data over
Student s1 = new Student("abc" , 10);
s1.display(); // abc10
Student s2 = s1;
s1.display(); // abc20
function that gets invoked during object creation
no return type Not even void, as constructor kinda returns object of class
If the formal and actual parameter have the same name, then it will output the default values
- null for String
- 0 for int
- 0.0f for float
Types of constructors¶
- default constructor (by compiler)
- Non-parameterized constructor
- parameterized contructor
- copy constructor
Copy Constructor¶
Truly copy data from one object to another
class Student
private int year;
Student(int year)
this.year = year;
Fruit(Student source)
this.year = source.year;
class StudentTester
public static void main()
Student s1 = new Student(2020);
Student s2 = new Student(s1); // will have the same values of s1
Constructor Overloading¶
multiple constructors having the same name but different functionality. They differ in their function signature
Custom Print Message¶
In order to get a custom output for System.out.println(objectName)
, we can create a custom public String toString()
for the class.
class Student
int roll;
String name;
public String toString()
String text = "Name is " + this.name + " Roll no is " + this.roll;
return text;
this Keyword¶
refer to current object¶
useful when the actual and formal parameter have the same name
class Student
int rno;
String name;
Student(int rno, String name)
this.rno = rno;
this.name = name;
invoke current class method¶
invoke current class constructor¶
the invoked contructor should have already been defined useful for chaining of constructors to avoid redundancy
**Note: ** this()
cannot be at the end
class Student
int rno;
String name;
boolean student;
float fee;
student = true;
Student(int rno, String name)
this(); // calls Student()
this.rno = rno;
this.name = name;
// this(); here will give error
// Thanks Firas
Student(int rno, String name, float fee)
this(rno, name); // calls Student(int rno)
this.fee = fee;
pass current obj as argument in method call¶
class Student
void display(Student s1)
void m()
passed as argument in constructor call¶
class Student
School sch;
Student(School sch)
this.obj = obj;
void display()
class School
int year = 2000;
String city = "Dubai";
Student s1 = new Student(this);
return current object¶
class Student
Student getStudent()
return this;
void msg()
class main
public static void main(String args[])
new Student().getStudent().msg();
//equivalent to
new Student().msg();
Access Modifier¶
Accessibility | private | default | protected | public |
Same class | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Same package subclass | N | Y | Y | Y |
Same package non-subclass | N | Y | Y | Y |
Diff package subclass | N | N | Y | Y |
Diff package non-subclass | N | N | N | Y |
does not get inherited hence not accessible even in subclass(child class); it is only accessible in the same class/nested class
Other Types¶
Nested Classes¶
is a class that is inside a function or another class.
Nested Inner Class can access any private instance of outer class
Outer.Inner obj = new Outer().new Inner();
Outer objo = new Outer();
Outer.Inner obji = objo.new Inter();
// create a function in the outer class that creates objects of outer class
Anonymous Classes¶
class that does one or more of the following, without even creating the class
- implements an interface
- inherits a class
the entire statement ends with ;
(just like any other java statement)