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05 Lists


flowchart BT
Vector-Class & ArrayList-Class & LinkedList-Class -->
|implements|List -->


obsolete/not recommended to use

import java.util.Vector;

Vector<TypeClass> arrL = new Vector<TypeClass>();
Vector<Integer> arrL = new Vector<Integer>();

Vector(int initialCapacity);
Vector(int initialCapacity, int capacityIncrement);

// E is element type
void add(int index, E element);
boolean add(E e);
void addElement(E obj);
boolean addAll(Collection C);
boolean addAll(int index, Collection C);

void setElementAt(Object element, int index);
boolean removeElement(Object element);
boolean removeAll(Collection c);

int capacity();
void clear();

v.get(int index);

boolean contains(Object element);
boolean containsAll(Collection c);

Object elementAt(int index);
Object firstElement();
Object lastElement();

boolean isEmpty();


As opposed to arrays, array lists are

  • mutable
  • size is dynamic
  • only for non-primitive data types
  • you have to access element using arrL.get(index) rather than []
import java.util.ArrayList;

ArrayList<TypeClass> arrL = new ArrayList<TypeClass>(); // size is not compulsory
ArrayList<Integer> arrL = new ArrayList<Integer>();

List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();
// this is also allowed
// List is the parent class of LinkedList
// no need to specify type for the second <>

// constructors
ArrayList(); // build an empty array list
ArrayList(int capacity); // build an array list with initial capacity
ArrayList(Collection c); // build an array list intialized with the elements from collection c
// you can pass linkedlist as a parameter (collection class)

arrL.add(Object e);
arrL.add(20); // 20
arrL.add(50); // 20 50

arrL.add(int index, Object e);
arrL.add(index, 130); // 20 50 130
arrL.add(2, "hello");

al.addAll(Collection c);

al.set(int index, Object newData);

arrL.remove(int index);
arrL.remove(2); // 20 50
arrL.remove(Object data); // String, Integer, Float

arrL.get(1); // 50

arrL.size(); // 2

Collections.sort(list); // ascending

// display
System.out.println(arrL); // [20, 50]

for(int i = 0; i<arrL.size(); i++)
  System.out.print(arrL.get(i) + " "); // 20 50

// enhanced for loop
for(String str:arrL)
for(Integer i:arrL)

al.indexOf(Object o);
al.contains(Object o); // searches for element and returns true/false
al.clear(); // delete all elements of the arraylist

ArrayList<String> newal = (ArrayList<String>) al.clone();

al.ensureCapacity(int minCapacity); // increases the size of the arraylist to the minCapacity
// it is overriden method as it is available for StringBuffer also


import java.util.LinkedList;

LinkedList<Type> l = new LinkedList<Type>();
LinkedList<Integer> l = new LinkedList<Integer>();

// constructors
LinkedList(Collection c);
// you can pass arraylist as a parameter (collection class)


l.add(Object e) // returns boolean - true/false - after doing the thingy to indicate if the element was added or not

l.add(int index, Object e); // returns void
l.add(2, 3);

l.addAll(Collection c); // take all elements of arraylist and it to the linked list 

l.addFirst(Object e);
l.addLast(Object e); // most performance-efficient

l.remove(); // removes the first element, ie the default index passed is 0
l.remove(int index);
l.revove(Object o);

l.removeFirstOccurence(Object e);
l.removeLastOccurence(Object e);


l.set(int index, Object newdata);
l.set(2, "hello");

l.clear(); // delete all elements
Object obj = l.clone();
boolean contains(Object item);

l.indexOf(Object item); //returns null if it doesn't find the element
l.lastIndexOf(Object item);
Object poll(); // removes and returns the last element
// more efficent than remove() as there is only instance of it
Object pollFirst();
Object pollLast();

Collections.sort(list); // ascending


Vector ArrayList LinkedList
Each location contains data data 1. data
2. pointer to previous node
3. pointer to next node
Type Dynamic Array double linked list
setting data in between slowest intermediate fastest
reason for performance insertion/deletion involves affecting all succeeding elements only pointers and data of few nodes are affected; other nodes are left unaffected
getting data fastest slowest
mincapacity 10 10 -
Increase in size 2x (if not mentioned)
else user increment
1.5x -


can only iterate in the forward direction

import java.util.Iterator;

boolean hasNext();
(Type); // returns the current element and moves the pointer to the next position
// same like p++ in C++

// the default return type of next() is String, so we have to type cast

void remove(); // removes the last element returned by the iterator

// Integer
Iterator<Integer> itr = al.iterator(); // al is the arraylist
// itr is an indirect pointer/cursor to the location

  int i = (Integer);

    if(i%2 == 0)
      itr.remove(); // removes odd

// String
Iterator<String> itr = l.iterator();
  Iterator<String> itr2 = itr.iterator(); // not sure
  while(itr2.hasNext()) // to go through each element
    System.out.println( + "");


iterate forward and backward

import java.util.ListIterator;

ListIterator<String> litr = null;
litr = al.listIterator();



boolean hasNext();
E next();
int nextIndex();

boolean hasPrevious();
E previous(); // returns the current element and moves the pointer to the previous location 
// same like p-- in C++
int previousIndex();

void remove(); // remove the last element which is returned by the next() or previous()
void set(E e); // replace the last element which is returned by the next() or previous()
void add(E e); // insert before next element returned by next() method
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
