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02 Lexical Analysis

Also called as scanning

We specify tokens using Regular Expressions - sequence of characters specifying search pattern in input

We use NFA/DFA


Meaning Example
Tokens Pair containing token_name and attribute
token_name is a symbol representing a ‘lexical unit’, which is processed by parser
<id, pointer_to_symbol_table_entry>
Lexical Units Identifiers, Keywords, Operators, Constants (numeric/string)
Pattern Rule describing the format of the lexemes of a token For keywords it’s the sequence of characters itself
Lexeme Sequence of characters that matches that pattern for a token
Sentinals Special characters that cannot be part of the source program eof character can be used to denote the end of a buffer


e = m * c ** 2
<id, pointer_to_symbol_table_entry_for_e>
<id, pointer_to_symbol_table_entry_for_m>
<id, pointer_to_symbol_table_entry_for_c>
<number, 2>

Input Buffering

In Fortran, spaces are ignored. So, he l lo is the hello. This is because, there may exist blank instances in the magnetic tape.

We can’t tell if the statement do 5 i = 1.25 is to be treated as

do {i=1}
// or  
do51 = 1.52

until we reach the .

Fortran Loops

do index_variable = start, end, step
end do

// or

do n index_variable = start, end, step
n continue


Lookahead of atleast one/more characters beyond the next lexeme before we can be sure that we have the right lexeme.

Helps speed up reading source program

We usually use 2 buffer scheme lookahead, which are alternatively-reloaded; each buffer is of the same size \(n\), where \(n\) is size of a disk block


  • Using one system read command we can read \(n\) characters into a buffer, rather than using one system call per character
  • A special character, represented by eof (character different from any possible character of source code), marks the end of the source file

2 Buffer Scheme

Pointer Purpose
lexeme_begin marks the beginning of the current lexeme, whose extent we are attempting to determine
forward scans ahead until a pattern match is found

When the next lexeme is determined, the following steps are taken:

  • forward is set to the character at its right end
  • Record the lexeme as the attribute of the token
  • lexemeBegin is set to the character immediately after the lexeme just found


Advancing forward requires checking if end of a buffer is reached.

forward is at end of buffer - Reload other buffer from input
- Move forward to beginning of newly loaded buffer
eof character at the middle of buffer - marks the end of the input
- terminate lexical analysis

Recovery Strategies

Recovery strategies are used when no pattern for tokens matches any prefix of remaining input, preventing lexical analyzer from proceeding

Goal: Transform prefix of remaining input into valid lexeme

Possible error-recovery actions are:

  • Panic Mode Recovery: Delete successive characters from the remaining input, until the lexical analyzer can find a well-formed token at the beginning of what input is left
  • Insert a missing character into the remaining input
  • Replace a character by another character
  • Transpose two adjacent characters

Parts of String

Term Meaning Example
\(s =\) banana
Prefix Starting character(s) \(\epsilon\), b, ba, ban, bana, banan, banana
Suffix Trailing character(s) \(\epsilon\), a, an, ana, nana, anana, banana
Substring Middle character(s) prefix_set \(\cup\) suffix_set
Proper Prefix Non-empty prefix \(\ne\) original string b, ba, ban, bana, banan
Proper Suffix Non-empty suffix \(\ne\) original string a, an, ana, nana, anana
Proper Substring Non-empty substring \(\ne\) original string proper_prefix_set \(\cup\) proper_suffix_set
Subsequence Collection of characters of string
(not necessarily contiguous, but left \(\to\) right)
(too many combinations to list out)


In order of precedence

Operation Operator
Strings Exponentiation \(s^i\)
Concatenation \(s_1 \cdot s_2\)
Languages Kleene closure \(L^*\)
Posive closure \(L^+\)
Concatenation \(L_1 \cdot L_2\)
Union \(L_1\) \vert \(L_2\)
\(L_1 \cup L_2\)

Regular Definitions

Helps to give names to regular expressions and use those names in subsequent expressions

d1 -> r1
d2 -> r2
dn -> rn


  • \(d_i\) is a new symbol, such that
  • \(d_i \not \in \epsilon\)
  • \(d_i \ne d_j\)
  • \(r_i\) is a RE over alphabet \(\epsilon \cup \{d_1, \dots, d_{i-1} \}\)


Language that allows us to create our own lexical analyzer, without having handcode

It represents everything in terms of a Finite State Machine, and then generates the code

Lex Symbols

Symbol Meaning Example
c non-operator character c
\c character \(c\) literally
“s” string \(s\) literally
. any character except \n hello
\(\implies 5 \ .\)
^ beginning of line ^abc
$ end of line abc$
[s] any character in \(s\) \([abcde]\)
[^s] any character not in \(s\) \([\wedge abcde]\)
r* 0/more strings matching \(r\) (something)*
r+ 1/more strings matching \(r\) (something)+
r? 0/1 strings matching \(r\) (something)?
r{m,n} \(\text{count} \in [m, n]\) strings matching \(r\) (something){1, 5}
\(r_1r_2\) \(r_1\) followed by \(r_2\)
(select \(r_1\) and \(r_2\))
\(r_1/r_2\) \(r_1\) followed by \(r_2\)
(select only \(r_1\))
$r_1 r_2$ \(r_1\) or \(r_2\)
\((r)\) Same as \(r\) $(a

Transition/State Diagrams

Reg Exprs are translated into transition diagrams (representing Finite State Machines), which are then translated into program code for lexical analyzer

Relational Operators


Reserved Words/Identifiers


Unsigned Numbers




Conflict Resolution

  • Longer prefix preferred
  • If there are multiple matches for longest prefix, first pattern in lex program is preffered
a       {printf (“1A”);}
aa  {printf (“2A”);}

Input : aaa
Output: 2A1A
letter(letter|digit)*   { printf (“ID”); }
if                                      { printf (“IF”); }

Input : if
Output: ID
Last Updated: 2024-01-24 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
