01 Network Commands

Command Usage Displays Full Form Unix
getmac getmac Get mac address of current machine ipconfig
ipconfig ipconfig computer’s IP details
ping ping www.google.ae Check validity of connection between 2 machines
Sends 4 packets to the other machine and checks how many of those packets reached
Rount-trip time
Time to live
netstat netstat
netstat -r
Connection information
Routing table
Network Statistics
route route Routing table netstat -nr
arp arp -a ARP cache of current machine Address Resolution Protocol
hostname hostname Gives the machine name
nslookup nslookup
nslookup www.google.ae
Look and diagnose the DNS of a location Name System
tracert tracert www.google.ae Shows the RTT from source and destination node, and also all the intermediary nodes Trace Root traceroute
pathping pathping www.google.ae Combination of ping and tracert
Last Updated: 2024-02-09 ; Contributors: AaryanTheLaughingGas, web-flow, AhmedThahir
