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07 Network Flow



Condition Meaning Mathematical representation
Capacity \(0 \le \text{flow}_e \le \text{capacity}_e\) \(0 \le f(e) \le c_e, \ \forall e \in E\)
Conservation Inflow = Outflow @ every node \(\sum\limits_\text{Inflow} f(e) = \sum\limits_\text{Outflow} f(e), \ \forall e \in E\)


  1. Find all paths from source to destination
  2. The maximum flow is limited by the bottleneck, which is the lowest value in a path, ie \(\text{argmin} (c_e), \ e \in P\)

Residual Graph

Indicates how much more flow is allowed in each edge in the network graph

Path Direction of flow in residual graph
Unused Same
Partially used Used will be reversed
Unused will be same
Completely used Reversed
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
