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01 Intro


a set of programs

Types of Softwares

Application Softwares System Softwares
Purpose Helps users with specific applications - Provides environment for application software
- Manage hardware resources
Example Word, Paint - Operating System
- Emulator
- Language Translators (Compiler, Interpreters, Assemblers)
- Linker, Loader

Operating System

System software that acts as an interface between users and the hardware resources of a computing system.

  • Resource allocator
    • Keeps track of occupied/empty portions of the primary and secondary memory
    • Status of I/O Devices
  • control program
  • Kernel of a computing system Kernel is the most important part of any computing system/programming environment
    • Kernel is system software which is part of operating system
    • Kernel provides interface between hardware and software components
\[ \fbox{System, Application Software $\fbox{ Operating System $\fbox{Kernel $\fbox{H/W Resources}$}$}$} \]

Types of Operating System

  • Mobile
  • Personal Computer
  • Real Time
  • Distributed

Hardware Resources

  • Memory
    • Primary is volatile
    • Secondary is non-volatile
  • Processor
  • I/O Devices


flowchart LR

gc[Google Chrome] -->
CPU((CPU)) -->
Screen[Output Screen]

HD[(Hard Disk)] -->
|Operating System <br/> loads| pm[[Primary Memory]]


flowchart LR
OS <-->
dd[Device Driver] <-->
dc[Device Controller] <-->


  • Data Register/Local buffer
  • Command Register


  • Interface between OS & Device
  • Understands the device controller & device


Background system processes, that are not in direct control of user


Asynchoronous request to the CPU, handled by the OS using the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine).

They can be initiated anytime without reference to the system clock.

Could be hardware-generated or software-generated.


ISR and IVT(Interrupt Vector Table) are stored in fixed location in memory.

ISR is accessed using IVT, which contains the starting address of the ISRs.

\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{Starting address of ISR in IVT}\\ & = \text{Starting address of IVT in memory } \\ & \quad + ( \text{type} \times \text{no. of loc to store address of 1 ISR} ) \end{aligned} \]

8086 has 256 vectored interrupts

Each ISR requires 4 bytes

  • 2 bytes of IP followed by
  • 2 bytes of CS

If the starting address of IVT is \(\text{00000_H}\), then the ending address is \(\text{003FF_H}\)

Explain the interrupt structure of 8086 with its IVT.


(take from slides)

Interrupt latency

Time taken to service an interrupt


  • Save processor time
    • Processor resources are very valuable, as it can be used for some other task
  • Avoid polling
    • Going around asking I/O devices; wasting processor time
flowchart LR

subgraph Write Operation
direction LR
up2[User Program] -->
OS2[OS] -->
dd2[Device Driver] -->
dc2[Device Controller] <-->
od2[Output Device]

dc2 -->|Status| dd2

subgraph Read Operation
direction LR
up[User Program] -->
OS -->
dd[Device Driver] -->
dc[Device Controller] <-->
id[Input Device]

dc -->|Interrupt| dd

Program Counter

Similar to instruction pointer of x86

  • Initially points to 1st instruction
  • Subsequently, points to the address of the next instruction to be executed

Interrupt Handling

  1. An interrupt that occurs in between an instruction can only happen after fetch, decode, execute, write-back of that instruction is first complete.
  2. When interrupt occurs, we need to push the following values into stack

    • PC so that we can return to the same point after finishing the interrupt

    • CPU state Contents of all CPU and flag registers

    • Service the interrupt using ISR
    • Restore processor state
    • Load the saved return address into the program counter
    • Resume interrupted computation

Storage of Multi-Byte data

Little Endian = Lower Byte is stored first then Higher Byte. This is what 8086 uses

Big Endian = Higher Byte is stored first then Lower Byte

Storage Structure

  • Bit (0/1) [most basic unit]
  • Byte = 8 bits
  • Word = Group of bytes
KB \(2^{10}\)
MB \(2^{20}\)
GB \(2^{30}\)
TB \(2^{40}\)
PB \(2^{50}\)

Types Of Storage Devices

flowchart TB
Memory -->
cpu[CPU Registers] & Cache & Primary & Secondary & Tertiary

Primary["Primary<br/>(Volatile)"] --> RAM
Secondary["Secondary<br/>(Non-Volatile)"] --> HDD & SSD
Tertiary["Tertiary<br/>(Non-Volatile Backup)"] --> CD & DVD & Backup
Feature Order
Speed Reg > Cache > PM > SM > TM
Cost Reg > Cache > PM > SM > TM
Access Time Reg < Cache < PM < SM < TM
Size Reg < Cache < PM < SM < TM
flowchart TB

subgraph While Using
CPU2[CPU] -->|1| PM2[PM] -->|2| CPU2

subgraph First Time
direction LR

CPU1 -->
|1| PM1[PM] -->
|2| SM1[(SM)]

SM1 -->|3|PM1

PM1 -->|4| CPU1


Process of loading OS Kernel into the primary memory


  • Starting address of Bootstrap program is stored into the Program Counter
  • Bootstrap loader loads the OS using Boostrap program

Bootstrap Program

  • In Intel architecture, it’s called as BIOS(Basic Input Output System)
  • In Unix architecture, it’s called as GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader)
  • In Android, LK(Little Kernel)


  1. Run POST(Power-On Self Test) diagnostics
  2. Initialize and check peripheral devices
  3. Initializes other aspects of the system, such as the registers
  4. Locates and loads the kernel


Read-Only Memory


Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

It is firmware (combination of hardware and software that can hold code)

Bootstrap program is burnt into EEPROM

System Programs loaded to PM, System process, Deamons, Program in its execution, Printer network, Background Process

In linux, the first program is systemd

Software Interrupt


Source/Cause Example
Errors - Divide by zero
- Access to illegal parts of memory
System call When user actions requires something like input/output
flowchart LR

UP[User Program]

subgraph Tasks
    direction LR
    io[I/O Management]

UP -->|Request| OS --> Tasks

Programming Types

Uni was before.

Uni Multi
Primary memory parts - OS area
- User area can be used by only 1 program
- OS area
- User area contains multiple programs
Advantage When one program is waiting for I/O, the OS sends off another program to the CPU.
Disadvantage This has improper utilization of system resources, especially when I/O devices are being used. Malicious programs can affect the other program’s segments; before it was even possible for them to affect the OS

Modes of Operations

This mode bit will change continuously.

Mode Bit Mode Computer is executing
0 Kernel/Supervisor/Priveledged OS code/System call
1 User User code

Privileged Execution of Instruction

Privilege signifies the access level of a program

I/O, memory, timer, CPU, and Interrupts are privileged

Privilege level varies from

  • 0 (high privilege)
  • 3 (low privilege)

If a program trying to access memory is privileged, then it is checked if it is in Kernel mode or User mode.

If it is in user mode, a trap is generated.

Lab code


I missed something (Sep 14 1st Hour)

Last Updated: 2023-03-23 ; Contributors: Fir121, AhmedThahir
