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02 DFA


Symbol Meaning Description
A Automator State Machine
(same as DD)
FA Finite Automator Automator with finite no of states
DFA Deterministic Finite Automator FA where \(\exists\) next state \(\forall\) states

States are the only mechanism for a FA to “remember” what it has seen of input string so far


  • Can have more than one accept state
  • Start state can also be an accept state
  • DFA accepts \(\epsilon \iff\) start state is accepting state
Notation Meaning
\(\enclose{circle}{q_0}\) State
\(\overset{1}{\longrightarrow}\) Transition \(\delta\)
\(\enclose{circle}{q_0} \overset{1}{\longrightarrow} \enclose{circle}{q_1}\) \(\delta(q_0, 1) = q_1\)
\(\enclose{circle}{\enclose{circle}{\ q_5 \ }}\) Accepting State
Symbol Meaning
\(Q\) Set of States
\(q_0\) Starting State
\(F\) Set of Final States
\(\Sigma\) Alphabet
$\begin{aligned} &\delta: Q \times \Sigma \to Q \
& \delta(\text{Current State}, \text{Input}) \end{aligned}$ State Transition Function
$\begin{aligned} &\delta^: Q \times \Sigma^ \to Q \
& \delta(\text{Current State}, \text{Input}) \end{aligned}$ Extended State Transition Function
(Recursive traversal including \(\epsilon\))
\[ \begin{aligned} \delta (q, \epsilon) &= q \\ \delta^* (q, \epsilon) &= \{q, \ \dots\} \end{aligned} \]

DFA seen as 5-Tuple

\[ \text{DFA} = D(Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F) \]

Language of a Machine

If \(L\) is the set of all strings that machine \(M\) accepts, then we say

  • \(M\) recognizes \(L\)
  • \(L\) is the language of machine \(M\)


  • Machine may accept several strings, but recognizes only one language
  • If a machine accepts no strings, it still recognizes one language: empty language \(\phi\)

Regular Language

A language \(L\) is regular if it is recognized by some DFA \(M\) \(\implies L(M)= L\)

Operations on a regular language gives another regular language(s)

Closure Properties

Regular languages are closed under these operations

  • \(L1 \cup L2\)
  • \(L1 \cap L2\)
  • \(L1 - L2\)

Combination of Machines

Rather than deriving machines for everything, we can use the above operations to combine machines.


  • \(Q_1, Q_2\) are states of \(M_1, M_2\)
  • \(M_3\) is combined machine and \(Q_3\) is the pair of states in \(M_3\)


  • For \(L1 \cup L2 \to F_3 = [F_1 \times Q_2] \cup [F_2 \times Q_1]\)
  • For \(L1 \cap L2 \to F_3 = F_1 \times F_2\) Cross-Product of 2 DFA
  • Max no of states in \(Q_3\) is given by \(|Q_3|_\max = |Q_1| \times |Q_2|\)

DFA-Decidable Decision Problem

A decision problem that is solveable by algorithm that

  • takes input of string of length \(n\)
  • uses constant amount of memory
  • runs in exactly \(n\) steps

Regular Expression

Expression for which a FA exists, which can be used by a regular language.

Dead State

Also called as Sink/Trap state

  • Once a machine enters a dead state, there is no way out
  • Remaining input are ignored
  • Only has self loop
  • The input string is rejected

In the following diagram, b is the deadstate

flowchart LR
a -->|0| b
a -->|1| c

b -->|0/1| b

c -->|0| b
c -->|1| a

classDef dead fill:darkred, color: #EEE
class b dead

Complement of DFA

  • Accepting states \(\to\) Non-Accepting states
  • Non-Accepting states \(\to\) Accepting states
\[ \begin{aligned} L& \implies M = ( Q, Σ, δ, q_0, F ) \\ L'& \implies M' = ( Q, Σ, δ, q_0, Q-F ) \end{aligned} \]

Reversing a regular expression

Given a DFA

  1. Reverse all arrows of transitions of the DFA
  2. Swap the start state and accepting state If there are 2 start states, use \(\epsilon\) transition
  3. Convert NFA \(\to\) DFA


**G**et **re**gular ex**p**ression

utility for identifying regular expressions

Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
