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  1. Formulate goal
  2. Formulate problem
  3. Find solution
Type Examples
Single-Agent Traveling Salesperson
8-Puzzle (Sudoku)
Wiring of VLSI circuits
Finding faults in vehicle
Two-Agent Chess
Constraint-Satisfication Scheduling


Type of Agents
Problem Solving/
Rational Agents
has goals and tries to perform a series of actions that yield the best outcome/achieve a goal
Reflex Agents Don’t think about consequences of its actions, and selects an action based on current state of the world.


Keyword Meaning
State Description of possible state of the world
Includes all features relevant to problem
Start State
State from where agent begins the search
Goal State State where success is attained, which we want to reach
Multiple goal states can exist
Goal Test Function that observes current state and returns whether goal state is achieved/not
Action Function that maps transitions from one state to another
Problem Definition of general problem as search problem
Solution Sequence of actions that help go from initial state to goal state
Solution cost Cost associated to perform solution
Search Process of looking for solution
State Space Set of all states that are possible and can be reached in an environment/system. State space graph
State space size Total number of states. Counted using fundamental counting principle.
Search Tree Tree representation of search problem. Search tree

Search Type


Type Path is relevant? Direction
Planning Sequence of actions Backward chaining
Diagonosis Forward chaining image-20240327140950063
Identification Assignment to variables


Information Other names Comment
Uninformed Blind
Informed Tends to be faster

Search Property

Property Meaning
Completeness Algo guaranteed to find soln in a finite duration \(\iff \exists\) a soln
Optimality Algo guaranteed to find least cost path to goal state


A heuristic function \(h(x)\) is an estimated cost from one node to another

  • Heuristics are problem-specific
  • Over-estimating heuristic is better than under-estimating
  • As heuristics get closer to the true cost, you will expand fewer nodes but usually do more work per node to compute the heuristic itself

Eg: Manhattan distance, Euclidean distance



  • \(h(a, b)\) is heuristic from \(a\) to \(b\)
  • \(c(a, b)\) is true cost from \(a\) to \(b\)
Characteristic Definition Comment Implication
Admissible \(h(x, G) \le c(x, G) \quad \forall x\) Heuristic never overestimates true cost Admissible slows down bad plans, but never outweigh true costs
Inadmissible/pessimistic compromises optimality but with lower (better) search time
Consistent \(\vert h(x_1, G) - h(x_2, G) \vert \le c(x_1, x_2)\)
where \(x_2\) is an intermediate node b/w \(x_1\) and \(G\)
Every consistent heuristic is also admissible \(f\) value along path never decreases
You can skip checking for shortest path when a node is encountered 2nd time.
\(h_1(x, G) \ge h_2(x, G) \quad \forall x\) where
\(h_1, h_2\) are admissible
\(h_1\) is more informed than \(h_2\)
\(h_1\) dominates \(h_2\)
Semi-lattice of heuristics \(\max(h_1, h_2)\) is admissible
Trivial heuristic Bottom of lattice is zero heuristic \(\implies\) top of lattice is exact heuristic


Search Algorithms

Search Type Algo Comment Complete Optimal Time Complexity Space Complexity Disadvantage Advantage Hyperparameter
Uninformed DFS Keep picking left-most node possible Explore deepest node from start node

(Stack - LIFO)

✅ (if no cycles)
\(O(b^m)\) \(O(bm)\) May get “lost” deep in graph, missing the shortest path Avoids searching “shallow states” for long solution
BFS Traverse left to right, level by level Explore shallowest node from start node

(Queue - FIFO)
\(O(b^{m_s} + 1)\) \(O(b^{m_s}+1)\) High memory usage if states have high avg no of children Always finds shortest path
Iterative-Deepening Combination of DFS and BFS) Perform DFS for every level
DFS with depth bound
Not necessarily \(O(b^d)\) \(O(bd)\) Repeated work (negligible though: \(O(1/b)\)) Prevents DFS from getting lost in infinite path Depth threshold
UCS (Uniform Cost)/
Branch & Bound
Orders by path/backward cost \(c(i, x)\) Explore least cost node from start node
(\(\iff\) all costs are non-negative)
\(O(b^m)\) \(O(b^m)\) Explores options in “every direction” Keeps cost low
Bi-Directional Performed on search graph Two simultaneous search - forward search from start vertex toward goal vertex and backward search from goal vertex toward start vertex
\(\iff\) we use BFS in both searches
\(O(b^{d/2})\) \(O(b^{d/2})\) Can prune many options - Which goal state(s) to use
- Handling search overlap
- Which search to use in each direction
- 2 BFS searches
Informed Greedy/Best-First Explore the node with lowest heuristic value which takes closer to goal

Orders by goal proximity/forward cost \(h(x, G)\)
Similar to UCS, but with a priority queue \(O(b^m)\) \(O(b^m)\) Tentative
May directly go to wrong end state
May behave like a poorly-guided DFS
Helps find solution quickly
A* Explore the node with lowest total cost value

\(f = C(i, x) + h(x, G)\)
Uses priority queue

Combination of UCS & Greedy

(\(\iff\) heuristic is admissible)
\(O(b^m)\) \(O(b^m)\)
Hill-Climbing Basically gradient-descent \(O(bm)\) \(O(b)\) Irreversible
If bad heuristic, may prune away goals
Stuck at local minima/maxima
Skips ridges
Low memory
Beam Compromise b/w hill-climbing & greedy \(n=1:\) Hill-Climbing
\(n=\infty:\) Best-First

\(n \in (1, \infty) :\) Beam width (no of children to search)
\(O(nm)\) \(O(bn)\)
(Iterative Deepening A *)
Similar to Iterative Deepening, but uses A* cost threshold Increase always includes at least one new node \(O(b^m)\) \(O(m)\) Some redundant search, but negligible
Dangerous if continuous \(h\) values or if \(h\) values very close to threshold
Ensures search never looks beyond optimal cost soln - Threshold
- \(h\)(root)
- \(f\)(min_child)

min_child is the cut off child with min \(f\)
(Recursive Best-First/Greedy)
Linear space variant of \(A^*\) Backtrack if current node is worse than next best alternative

Perform \(A^*\) but discard subtrees when performing recursion
Keep track of alternative (next best) subtree
Expand subtree until \(f>\) bound
Update \(f\) before (from parent) and after (from child) recursive call
\(O(2^m)\) \(O(bm)\) Stores more info than IDA* More efficient than IDA*
SMA* Simplified Memory-Bounded A* Perform A*, but when memory is full, discard worst leaf (highest \(f\))
Back value of discarded node to parent
Hill-Climbing Random restart helps overcome local maxima/minima

Random sideways moves help escape from
- shoulders
- loop on flat maxima

Trivially complete with random restart
Irreversible steps
Skips ridges
Low memory requirement
Local Beam \(k\) hill climbs Choose \(k\) random successors
Similar to natural selection
All \(k\) states end up on same local hill
Simulated Annealing Trade-off b/w hill-climbing & random search Randomness at high “temperature”
When temperature cools, reduce prob of random moves
Can find global optima when temperature chosen correctly Temperature
Genetic Algorithm


  • \(b =\) max branching factor (nodes at each level)
  • \(m=\) depth
  • \(m_s =\) depth of shallowest solution
  • \(C^*\) is optimal path cost
  • \(\epsilon\) is minimal cost between 2 nodes

Fringe is a priority queue

Local search

Hill-climbing, local beam, simulated annealing, genetic

Appropriate when only reaching goal state is required; solution path is irrelevant



Helps avoid repeated states - Do not return to parent/grand-parent states - Do not create solution paths with cycles - Do not generate repeated states as options (need to store & check more states)


  • Data structures
  • Tree (as usual)
  • Set of expanded (visited/closed) nodes
  • Traversal
  • Visit node from open set
  • Check if visited previously
  • If visited, skip node and go to step 1
  • Else
    1. expand node
    2. add node to closed set
    3. add children to open set


  • Completeness maintained
  • Optimality is not guaranteed
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
