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Genetic Algorithm

Nature-inspired search technique to find true/approximate solutions to optimization and search problems

Categorized as global search heuristics

Neither complete nor optimal


Term Meaning
Individual Any possible solution
Population Collection of all individuals
Gene Single bit that represents an attribute
Trait Possible features of an individual
Chromosome String of genes that represent the trait of an individual
Genome Collection of all chromosome (traits) for an individual
Fitness Target function that we are optimizing
(each individual has a fitness)


  1. Initialize random population of solution guesses
  2. Repeat for each generation
  3. Evaluate each chromosome in population using a fitness function
  4. Apply GA operators to create a new population
  5. Repeat until desired fitness/stopping criterion is met

GA Operators


  • Binary strings
  • Arrays of integers (usually bound)
  • Array of letters


Selecting a subset of individuals \(x\) according to fitness function \(f(x)\) like beam search

Selection Technique Logic
Each individual gets slice of wheel proportional to fitness
\(p_i = \dfrac{f_i}{\sum_j^n f_j}\)
Elitist Select only \(n\) most fit members of each generation
Cutoff selection Select only members with fitness > threshold
Rank-Space Fitness ignores diversity, hence populations tend to become uniform
1. Sort population by sum of fitness rank and diversity rank
2. Diversity rank is the result of sorting by the function \((1/d^2)\)


  • Parents are randomly (with prob) recombined to form new offsprings
  • Chromosome of other parents copied onto next generation as is


  1. For each couple, using a pre-determined prob, decide if crossover to be performed
  2. Select 2 parents
  3. Select cross site
  4. Cut & substitute substring of one parent with another
\[ \begin{aligned} & \textcolor{hotpink}{101} 110 \quad \textcolor{orange}{110} 001 \\ \\ \implies & \textcolor{orange}{110} 110 \quad \textcolor{hotpink}{101} 001 \end{aligned} \]

2 Point

Helps avoid cases when genes at the beginning and end of chromosome are always split $$ \begin{aligned} & 1 \textcolor{hotpink}{01} 110 \quad 1 \textcolor{orange}{10} 001 \ \ \implies & 1 \textcolor{orange}{10} 110 \quad 1 \textcolor{hotpink}{01} 001 \end{aligned} $$


  1. Pick \(k\) random splice points
  2. Splice for \(k-1\) substrings

Uniform crossover

  • Random subset is chosen for both parents
  • Subset of parent 1 is substituted with subset of parent 2


Random alteration of mutating offsprings with small probability

  • An insurance policy against lost bits
  • Pushes out of local minima


Reverse selected subsequence

1011011 -> 10 | 110 | 11 -> 10 | 011 | 11 -> 1001111

  • Preserves adjacency information
  • Discards order information


Best chromosomes from prev generation replace few of the worst chromosomes in current generation


  • Order1 crossover: inversion and recombination


Domain Application
Control Gas Pipelines
Missile evasion
Design Aircraft design
Keyboard configuration
Communication networks
Game playing Poker
Security Encryption
Robotics Trajectory Planning


  • Concept is easy
  • Modular, separate from application
  • Supports multi-objective optimization
  • Easily exploits previous/alternate solutions
  • Flexible building blocks for hybrid applications


  • How to select original population
  • How to handle non-binary solution types
  • What should be size of population
  • What is the optimal mutation rate
  • How are mates picked for crossover
  • Can any chromosome appear more than once in a population
  • Stopping criteria: When should GA halt
  • How to deal with local minima
  • How to parallelize

Classifier Systems

  • GAs & load balancing
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
