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  • Most measurements are indirect: What we actually measure is different what we want to study
  • For eg: measuring temperature with mercury thermometer: we look at the difference in mercury height
  • Measurement can change the thing that you are measuring

Measurement Stability

Temporal & Spatial

Repeated measurements are taken at different times, locations, conditions

  • How constant is the sample
  • How constant is the measurement process
  • How constant is the measurement context

Observation Decomposition

Process observation

  • Process True Value
  • Process Error
  • Measurement Error
  • Procedure Error
  • Sensor Error

Error Components

  • Systematic errors
  • Produces bias
  • We try to correct systematic error, but can never be totally free from systematic error
  • We can put an upper limit on the expected systematic errors
  • Random errors: Can be evaluated statistically, through repeated measurements

Measurement Metrics

  • Accuracy: 1 - systematic error
  • Precision: standard deviation of repeated measurements (random error component)
  • Repeatability: standard deviation of repeated measurements under conditions as nearly identical as possible
  • Reproducibility: standard deviation of repeated measurements under conditions that vary (different operators, instruments, days, time)

Uncertainty Types

  • Type A: Process Noise
  • Caused by fluctuations in nature that propagate through measurement model
  • obtained by statistical analysis of repeated measurements
  • Type B: Measurement Noise
  • Types
    • Measurement Procedure Noise
    • Incomplete definition of measurement
    • Imperfect realization of procedure
    • Sample not representative
    • Environmental conditions
    • Biases in reading analog scales
    • Instrument resolution
    • Values of constants used in calculations
    • Changes in measuring instrument performance since last calibration
    • Approximations/assumptions in measurement model
    • Sensor Noise
  • Evaluated by scientific judgement (Prior experience or data, manufacture’s specs)

Effective Degrees of Freedom

When using combined uncertainty , we assume that the measurement is t-distributed

Welch-Satterthwaite approximation $$ \text{DOF}_\text{eff} = \dfrac{(\sum u_i2)2}{\sum (u_i^4/\text{DOF}_i)} $$



Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
