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  • True distribution has heavy tails
  • Data “contaminated” by another distribution withe either
  • significantly different mean
  • significantly larger variance

Studentized Data

How many SD away from the mean is this data point $$ t_i =\dfrac{x_i - \bar x}{s_x} $$

Robustness & Outliers

\[ E[\bar x] = \mu + \dfrac{x_o - \mu}{n} \\ E[s^2_x] = \sigma^2_x + \dfrac{(x_o - \mu)^2}{n} \]

For large outliers \(x_o \gg n\mu, n\sigma\) $$ \bar x \approx \dfrac{x_o}{n} \ s \approx \dfrac{\vert x_o \vert}{\sqrt{n}} \ \implies T = \dfrac{\vert x_o - \bar x \vert}{s} \approx \dfrac{n-1}{\sqrt{n}} $$

Testing for Outliers

Outlier: Observation so different from others that it is suspected to be generated by a different mechanism with a one-time, large systematic error

Useful only when \(n>20\)


  • Error in measurement recording
  • Failure of measurement process/tool
  • One sample was fundamentally different from other samples being measured
  • Failure of experimental process (eg: sample didn't receive proper treatment)


Detecting outliers is the first step to discover the mechanism that caused the outlier

Sometimes the causes of outliers is more insightful that the analysis of the “good” data

Rareness Detection

\[ x \text{ is outlier} \iff P(x) < 1/n \]

\(p\)-value \(\times n\) = probability of getting one data point (out on \(n\)) this unusual or more due to random chance

Assumes that we know the underlying distribution

Chauvenet’s criterion: reject if \(p\)-value \(<1/(2n)\)

Simple, assumes normal distribution, arbitrary cut-off, not rigorous

Not recommended

Multiple of IQR

  • IQR = Q3-Q1
  • Outliers
  • Upper cutoff = Q3 + 1.5 IQR
  • Lower cutoff = Q1 - 1.5 IQR
  • Using this technique, usually about 1% of data points could be expected to be labelled as outliers
  • Far outliers
  • Upper cutoff = Q3 + 3 IQR
  • Lower cutoff = Q1 - 3 IQR

Robust test

Dixon \(Q\)-test

Identify one extreme data point $$ Q = \dfrac{\vert x_\text{suspect} - x_\text{closest} \vert}{x_\max - x_\min} $$ Classify as outlier if \(Q > Q_\alpha\), where \(\alpha=\) risk of rejecting good data

  • Usually use \(\alpha<\) what you use for other tests
  • For eg: use \(\alpha=0.01\) instead of \(0.05\)

Mostly used when \(n<20\) and where calculating SD is difficult


Masking (what if there are multiple outliers)


Grubbs’ Test

The test assumes that underlying distribution is normal; given this assumption holds true, Grubb’s test has more power than Q-test


  1. Identify number of outliers that you want to test
  2. For 2 outliers, we use a different critical value depending on whether the outliers are in the same/different tails
  3. Calculate Grubb’s statistic
\[ \begin{aligned} \text{G} &= \dfrac{\text{SSE}_{\cancel o}}{\text{SSE}_{o}} \\ \text{SSE} &= \sum (x_i - \bar x)^2 \end{aligned} \]


  • \(\text{SSE}_{\cancel o} =\) SSE for dataset without outlier (after removal)
  • \(\text{SSE}_{o} =\) SSE for dataset with outlier (before removal)
\[ t_c = \dfrac{n-1}{\sqrt{n}} \sqrt{ \dfrac{ (t_{(\alpha/2n), n-2})^2 }{ n-2 + (t_{(\alpha/2n), n-2})^2 } } \]
  • Usually, we take \(\alpha/2\), but here we are looking at a collection of \(n\) numbers
  • \((n-2) =\) degree of freedom
  • \((n-1)/\sqrt{n} =\) max value of \(t\)

Multiple outliers

Iterative Grubb’s Test Extreme Studentized Deviate

To find unknown number of outliers \(k\), apply Grubb’s test iteratively

  1. Search for outliers
  2. If outlier detected
  3. remove it
  4. else, stop
  5. Repeat steps 1-2

Note: the \(t_c\) depends on \(k\)

Peirce’s Criterion

Compare probability of the data with outliers to probability of the data without the outliers

Assumes a normal distribution

Can remove multiple outliers in a single iteration

Not as common as Grubb’s test

Handling outliers

flowchart LR

i{Identify<br />outlier cause?}

dc{Data<br />correction<br />possible?}

c["1. Correct data<br />2. Include in analysis"]
r["1. Address outlier<br />2. Document removal"]

p["Perform analysis<br />1. w/ outlier<br />2. w/o outlier"]
da{"Influential outlier?<br/>(Affects conclusions?)"}
dw["1. No issues<br />2. Document everything"]
ouch["1. Take more data (Repeat exp)<br />2. Abandon normality assumption"]

start([ ]) -->
i --> |Y| dc -->
|Y| c

dc --> |N| r

i --> |N| p --> da

da --> |N| dw
da --> |Y| ouch

Techniques to address outlier

  • Delete outlier
  • Always delete spurious data
  • Truncate (delete both min and max data points)
  • Winterize outlier (set value equal to closest neighbor)
  • Replace outlier with expected value from Q-Q plot
  • Use robust methods instead

Identifying causes

Always identify cause outlier as there could be lessons to be learnt

Time of identifying cause Comment Report?
Before outlier detection Measurement instrument breaks and must be repaired; you suspect calibration will be off ⚠️
Depends; not very useful, but good practice
After outlier detection Beware of just-so stories âś…
Never âś…


Importance of outlier depends on decision you are trying to make

Spurious vs outlier depends on what is important to you

Recommend Testing Sequence

  1. Graph the data: histogram, box plot, Q-Q plot
  2. Perform moment tests (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis)
  3. If non-normality detected, check for outliers
  4. If outliers removed, recheck for outliers
  5. If non-normal distribution suspected, use empirical CDF to identify candidate distributions
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
