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Deep Learning

Deep Learning is subset of machine learning, which involves a deep neural network. Large availability of data in present-day has led to the rise in demand for deep learning applications.

Refer Machine Learning concepts, to understand this course well.


flowchart TB
DL --> gm[Generative<br/>Models] & ha[Hybrid<br/>Architecture] & dm[Discriminative<br/>Models]

gm --> dbn[Deep<br/>Belief<br/>Networks] & da[Deep<br/>Autoencoder] & dbm[Deep<br/>Boltzmann<br/>Machine]

ha --> dnn[Deep<br/>Neural<br/>Networks]

dm --> cnn[Convolutional<br/>Neural<br/>Network] & dsn[Deep<br/>Stacking<br/>Networks]

Applications of DL

  • Object detection/counting
  • Image/Video
  • classification
  • segmentation
  • captioning
  • sentence matching
  • face recognition
  • Natural language processing
  • At the time of writing this sentence, ChatGPT’s successor GPT4 has come out, and it looks pretty insane


  1. Flexible
  2. Automatic
  3. Robust
  4. Generalizable
  5. Parallelizable \(\implies\) Scalable


  1. Low interpretability (Black box)
  2. Too many hyperparameters
  3. Tend to overfit; poor generalizability
  4. Require lot of data
  5. Computationally-expensive wrt to Resource Constraints

Resource Constraints

  1. Processor Speed
  2. Memory Size
  3. Power Consumption


  • Difficult for generalization
  • Difficult for efficient optimization
  • Lack of adequate data (addressed through Transfer Learning, Shallow learning, Incremental learning)
  • Data inconsistencies
  • Low battery life of edge devices (h/w controlling data flow at boundary b/w 2 networks)
  • Resource-constrained algorithm development issues
  • Diversity in computing units
  • Privacy & security concerns (addressed through Encryption)

Why Deep Learning?

  • Deep networks can represent complex functions with fewer parameters
  • Each layer of the network learns a “representation”



Image Representation

Every images is a matrix of pixels, where each pixel is represented as a combination of red, green, blue; usually as a 8-bit value (0-255)

So if the width and height of image are \(w, h\)

Key Metrics

  • Accuracy
  • Throughput
  • Latency
  • Energy efficiency
  • Hardware costs
  • Flexibility
Dataset Sample Size Content Classes
MNIST 50,000 Images of handwritten digits (0-9) 10
CIFAR 60,000 Airplanes, cars, birds, cats, deer, dogs, frogs, horses, ships, and trucks 10

Transfer Learning


......... Similarity
Similar Different
Little Linear Classifier on FC7 Not optimal
Large Finetune few layers Finetune more layers

Why Deep Learning?

Deep networks

  1. empirically work better for a given parameter count
  2. provably more efficient at representing functions that neural networks cannot actually learn (such as odd/even parity)
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
