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Long Short-Term Memory

RNN only has Short-Term memory, which does not work for well long sentences, and hence for use-cases such as Grammar Checking, we prefer LSTM


Gate Function
Forget Control forgetting/retaining info currently in memory
Input Control whether to add new info to memory
Output Control effect of hidden state on output


\[ \begin{aligned} It &= \sigma(X_t W_{xi} + H_{tβˆ’1} W_{hi} + b_i) \\ Ft &= \sigma(X_t W_{xf} + H_{tβˆ’1} W_{hf} + b_f ) \\ O_t &= \sigma(X_t W_{xo} + H_{tβˆ’1} W_{ho} + b_o) \\ \tilde C_t &= \tanh(X_t W_{xc} + H_{tβˆ’1} W_{hc} + b_c) \\ C_t &= F_t \odot C_{tβˆ’1} + I_t \odot \tilde C_t \\ H_t &= O_t \odot \tanh(C_t) \end{aligned} \]
  • \(\tilde C_t\) is the candidate memory
  • \(C_t\)Β is the long-term memory
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
