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This introductory page is a big long, but that's because all the below concepts are common to every upcoming topic.

Machine Learning

Field of study that enables computers to learn without being explicitly programmed; machine learns how to perform task \(T\) from experience \(E\) with performance measure \(P\).

Machine learning is necessary when it is not possible for us to make rules, ie, easier for the machine to learn the rules on its own


flowchart LR

subgraph Machine Learning
    direction LR
    i2[Past<br/>Input] & o2[Past<br/>Output] -->
    a(( )) -->

    r2 & ni[New<br/>Input] -->
    c(( )) -->

subgraph Traditional Programming
    direction LR
    r1[Standard<br/>Rules/<br/>Functions] & i1[New<br/>Input] -->
    b(( )) -->

Why do we need ML?

To perform tasks which are easy for humans, but difficult to generate a computer program for it


  1. \(\exists\) pattern
  2. If \(\not \exists\) pattern and its just noise, it is impossible to model it
  3. We cannot quantify pattern mathematically
  4. \(\exists\) data

Guiding Principles

Principle Questions
Relevance Is the use of ML in a given context solving an appropriate problem
Representativeness Is the training data appropriately selected
Value - Do the predictions inform human decisions in a meaningful way
- Does the machine learning model produce more accurate predictions than alternative methods
- Does it explain variation more completely than alternative methods
Explainability - Data selection, Model selection, (un)intended consequences
- How effectively is use of ML communicated
Auditability Can the model's decision process be queried/monitored by external actors
Equity The model should benefit/harm one group disproportionately
Accountability/Responsibility Are there mechanisms in place to ensure that someone will be responsible for responding to feedback and redressing harms, if necessary?

Learning Problem

Given training examples and hypothesis set of candidate models, generate a hypothesis function using a learning algorithm to estimate an unknown target function


\(P(x)\) quantifies relative importance of \(x\)

Learning model

  • Learning algorithm
  • Hypothesis set

Stages of Machine Learning

Stage 1 - Data Collection

Stage 2 - Feature importance - Feature selection

Stage 3: Theory - Causal Discovery - Causal Theory building

Stage 4: Building - Feature engineering - Model specification

Stage 5: Tuning - Model class/Learning algorithm selection - Hyperparameter tuning

Stage 6 - Model comparison - Model selection

Stage 7: Evaluation - Performance - Robustness

Stage 8: Inference - Model prediction - Model explanation

Model Engineering

flowchart LR
subgraph Data Engineering
    direction LR
    dc[(Data<br/>Collection)] -->
    |Raw<br/>Data| di[(Data<br/>Ingestion)] -->
    |Indexed<br/>Data| da[(Data<br/>Analysis, Curation)] -->
    |Selected<br/>Data| dl[(Data<br/>Labelling)] -->
    |Labelled<br/>Data| dv[(Data<br/>Validation)] -->
    |Validated<br/>Data| dp[(Data<br/>Preparation)]

td[Task<br/>Definition] -->

dp -->
|ML-Ready<br/>Dataset| l

subgraph ML Engineering
    direction LR
    l[Learning<br/>Type] -->
    c[Define<br/>Cost] -->
    mo[Optimization] -->
    |Trained<br/>Model| me[Evaluate] -->
    |KPIs| mv[Model<br/>Validation] -->
    |Certified<br/>Model| md[/Deploy/]


dp --> od --> |Filter| ad

ld[(Live <br/>Data)] --> od
md --> m[Model]

ad --> |Accept| m
ad ----> |Reject| anomaly[/Anomaly/]

m --> pc{Prediction<br/>Confidence}
pc --> |High<br/>Confidence| pred[/Prediction/]
pc --> |Low<br/>Confidence| unsure[/Unsure/]
  1. Design
    1. Why am I building?
    2. Who am I building for?
    3. What am I building?
    4. What are the consequences if it fails?
  2. Development
    1. What data will be collected to train the model
    2. Does the dataset follow AI ethics?
  3. Deployment
    1. How will model drift be monitored?
    2. How should preventive security measures be taken?
    3. How to react to security breaches?

3 Dimensions of Prediction

  • Point estimate
  • Time
  • Probabilistic
  • Intervals
  • Density
  • Trajectories/Scenarios

Good Prediction Characteristics

  • Forecast/Prediction consistency: Forecasts/Predictions should correspond to forecaster’s best judgement on future events, based on the knowledge available at the time of issuing the Forecasts/Predictions
  • Forecast/Prediction quality (accuracy): Forecasts/Predictions should describe future events as good as possible, regardless of what these Forecasts/Predictions may be used for
  • Forecast/Prediction value: Forecasts/Predictions should bring additional benefits (monetary/others) when used as input to decision-making

Hence, sometimes you may choose the Forecast/Prediction with the better value even if its quality is not the best

Performance vs Parsimony

  • Parsimonious models are more explainable
  • Parsimonious models generalize better
  • Small gains with deep models may disappear with dataset shift/non-stationary


Aspect Equivalent in Marco Polo game
Loss Goal
Model Class Map
Optimization Search
Data Sound

Open-source Tools


Doesn’t do well for Forecasting

Machine Learning cannot provide reliable time-series forecasting, without causal reasoning. This is why AI/ML cannot be blindly trusted for stock price prediction.

Related topics

  • Model ends up being a Naive forecaster: just blindly predicts \(\hat y_{t+h} = y_t\)
  • Counter-factual simulation: Never-before-seen events, such as
  • declining house prices
  • Negative oil prices
  • Distribution drift
  • Turkey problem

In the face of external factors that is not factored into the model, human intervention is required

Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
