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Task \(T\)

Process of learning itself is not the task; learning is the means of attaining ability to perform the task

Usually described in terms of how the machine learning system should process an instance (collection of features), which is usually represented as a vector.


Task Meaning Function Mapping Example
Regression Predicting a continuous numerical output \({\mathbb R}^n \to {\mathbb R}\) Stock value prediction
Classification Categorizing input into a discrete output
or outputing a probability dist over classes
Derived from regression

If binary and very imbalanced dataset, use anomaly detection instead
\({\mathbb R}^n \to [1, C]\)

\(C=\) no of classes
Categorizing images
Fraud detection
Anomaly Detection Identify abnormal events \(\mathbb R \to [0, 1]\) Fraud detection
Classification w/ missing inputs Learn distribution over all variables, solve by marginalizing over missing variables \({\mathbb R}^n \to [1, C]\)
Clustering Assigning class label to set of unclassified items, to group observations into clusters \(\hat y = \hat f(x) = \text{Cluster}(x)\)
\({\mathbb R}^n \to [1, C ]\)
Grouping similar images
Density estimation Estimating probability distribution from data \({\mathbb R}^n \to P(x)\)
Transcription Convert unstructured data intro discrete textual form OCR
Speech Recognition
Machine Translation Convert it
into a sequence of symbols into another language
Natural Language Translation
Structured Output Output data structure has
relationships between elements
Image segmentation
Image captioning
Synthesis & Sampling Generate new samples similar to those in
training data
Texture generation
Speech synthesis
Supersampling images
Data Imputation Predict values of missing entries
Denoising Predict clean output from corrupt input Image/Video denoising
Density Estimation Identify underlying probability distribution of set of inputs
Localization Regression for position \(\mathbb{R}^n \to \{ x, y, w, h \}\) Image/Video object detection
Image/Video instance segmentation


Type Diagram
One-to-one Regression
One-to-many Image captioning
Object detection
Many-to-one Sentiment classification
Many-to-many Machine translation
Many-to-many Video object classification
Video frame-level classification

Types of Predictions

\(x_\text{new}\) Uncertainty
Intrapolation? \(\in X_\text{train}\) Low
Interpolation \(\in [X_{\text{train}_\text{min}}, X_{\text{train}_\text{max}}]\) Moderate
Extrapolation \(\not \in [X_{\text{train}_\text{min}}, X_{\text{train}_\text{max}}]\) High


  • Constrain range: use appropriate transformation/Activation_Functions
    • \([a, b]\): Generalized Logistic
    • \([0, b]\): Softplus
    • \([a, 0]\): -ve Softplus
  • If the target is zero-inflated
    • Classifier/Anomaly-Detection to flag as \(0\) or non-zero
      • If \(0\), then 0 is the prediction
      • If non-zero, then prediction is the output of a regressor

Probabilistic Regression

  • Probability of prediction is required
  • Understand impact of input
  • Regression target is the sum of individual binary outcomes
\[ y'_i = p_i = \dfrac{y_i}{n_i} \]

Binary Aggregate Outcomes

\[ \begin{aligned} y_i &\sim \text{Binomial}(n_i, p_i) \\ p_i &= \sigma(\beta x_i) \\ %%\implies y_i &\sim \text{Bernoulli}\Big( \sigma(x_i' \beta) \Big) \end{aligned} \]
  temperature        fields cultivated  percentCultivated
1 13.18475               63         49  0.7777778
2 12.35680              165        147  0.8909091
3 17.57882               38         30  0.7894737
4 20.86867              152         95  0.6250000
5 13.88084               88         69  0.7840909
6 17.18088              191        141  0.7382199

Multiple Aggregate Outcomes

\[ \begin{aligned} y_i &\sim \text{Multinomial}(n, p) \\ p_j &= \text{Softmax}(\beta_j x) \\ &= \dfrac{\exp(\beta_j x)}{\sum_k^K \exp(\beta_k x) } \end{aligned} \]

When \(n_i=1,\) this becomes multi-class classification


         temperature  rainfall fields noncrop corn wheat rice
1    13.18475           75.26666     63       8   31    17    7
2    12.35680           102.37572    165       7  100    30   28
3    17.57882           101.61363     38       1   26     3    8
4    20.86867           64.35788    152      45   78    12   17
5    13.88084           107.54101     88       4   54    15   15


Decision Boundary/Surface

The boundary/surface that separates different classes

Generated using decision function

If we have \(d\) dimensional data, our decision boundary will have \((d-1)\) dimensions

Linear Separability

Means the ability to separate points of different classes using a line, with/without non-linear Activation_Functions

\[ f(u) = \begin{cases} 1, & u \ge 0 \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]
Logic Gate Linearly-Separable? Comment
XOR Linearly separable if we add \((x \cdot y)\) as a feature
XNOR Linearly separable if we add \((x \cdot y)\) as a feature

Linear Separability of Logic Gates

Linearly Non-Separable

Slightly Seriously
image-20240628000728483 image-20240628000744288

Discriminant Function

Functions which takes an input vector \(x\) and assigns it to one of the \(k\) classes

Multi-Class Classification

One-vs-Rest One-vs-One
No of classifiers \(k\) \(\frac{k(k-1)}{2}\)
Retains valid probabilistic interpretation
Limitation Some point may have multiple classes/no classes at all Multiple classes assigned to some points


Analyzing clusters

Understand the characteristics of each cluster

  1. Select features \(x_j\)
  2. Do not use all features to perform clustering
  3. where \(x_j=\) sensible features such as
    • Spending habits
  4. Perform clustering
  5. Perform statistical analysis on \(x_{\centernot{j}}\)

For example: 4 clusters

\(x_1=0\) \(x_1=1\)
\(x_2=0\) A B
\(x_2=1\) C D
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
