Learning Theory¶
Objectives of Learning¶
- Ensure fit: \(E_\text{in} \approx 0\)
- Ensure generalization: \(E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \approx 0\)
Estimated model \(\hat f(x) = \hat y\)
Hypothesis Set¶
Set of all hypotheses \(H = \{ \hat f_i(x) \}\), both by
- machine
- human
Good Characteristics of Hypotheses¶
An explanation of the data should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler
Occam’s Razor¶
The simplest model that fits the data is also the most plausible
- Complexity of \(h\): MDL (Minimum Description Length)
- Complexity of \(H\): Entropy, VC Dimension
\(l\) bits specify \(h\) \(\implies\) \(h\) is one of the \(2^l\) elements of a set \(H\)
Exception - Looks complex but is actually simple: SVM
Why is simpler better?¶
Simpler means out-of-sample performance
Fewer simple hypotheses than complex ones: \(m_H(N)\) \(\implies\) less likely to fit a given dataset: \(m_h(N)/2^N\) \(\implies\) more significant when it happens
If your data has chance of falsifying your assertion, then it does not provide any evidence for that assertion
Fit that means nothing: linear regression fit with just 2 data points
Data Snooping¶
Also called p-hacking, specification search, data dredging, fishing
Process of trying a series of models until we obtain a satisfactory result, without accounting for such.
This will result in your model matching a particular dataset
This includes
- Parameters: Coefficients/Weights of the model
- Hyper-Parameters: Parameters that affect the learning of the model
It is possible to find a statistically significant result even if doesn’t exist, if you try hard enough
- If a data set has affected any step in the learning process, its ability to assess the outcome of has been compromised. Hence it cannot be (fully) trusted in assessing the outcome.
- For a given problem type, if you perform an action which you would not do if the data were different, then you must penalize this action for generalization
- Using known properties of the target function does not have to be penalized, as it is not dataset-specific
- Avoid data snooping: Always use domain knowledge to create your hypothesis set before even looking at the training data
- Account for data snooping: If not possible to avoid, look at the data but make sure to account for this
- Explicit: Intentionally trying many models on the same dataset, thereby increasing size of hypothesis set
- Implicit
- Looking at the test data before choosing a model
Data leakage during feature engineering, such as normalization
Adaptive analysis: When working with a public data set, we may already know what models work/don’t work, so the Hypothesis space > the model I formulate
For example:
If you look at the data beforehand $$ \begin{aligned} H = &{ \ & \quad { 1, x_1, x_2, x_1 x_2, x_1^2, x_2^2 }, \ & \quad { 1, x_1^2, x_2^2 }, \ & \quad { 1, x_1^2 + x_2^2 }, \ & \quad { x_1^2, x_2^2 - 0.6 } \ & } \end{aligned} $$
What to do?¶
- Pre-registration: Fix your objective and theory before analysis
- Prevents p-hacking
- Prevents file drawer problem: Hiding unfavorable evidence
- Pre-analysis Plan: Fix your set of hypotheses before analysis
- Prevents p-hacking
- Prevents multiple hypothesis testing
- Use synthetic data before analysis
- Do whatever you analysis with this data
- Formulate the research qn and fix the what model before seeing training data.
- If you intend on data snooping and choose a model based on the data, then you should decide on the set of models you are going to choose from before seeing the data, and account for the data snooping in your analysis by
- Adjusting the significance level of your hypothesis tests by, for example, using the Bonferroni correction
- Using a test data set to evaluate the performance of your final estimated model. The test set should be allocated at the beginning and only used at the end. Once a data set has been used, it should be treated as contaminated for evaluating test performance
Reporting Guidelines¶
- Aim for honesty & transparency
- Clearly state research qn, research design, and reasoning behind model choice.
- Clearly state if analysis involves data snooping and how you have accounted for it.
- Report every hypothesis test you have performed relevant to the research question and highlight results that are robust across tests.
- Include a limitations section and point out any limitations and uncertainties in the analysis.
- Replicability/Reproducibility
- Documentation
Validity of Results & Threats to Validity¶
Validity | Meaning | Results valid for | Transportability of results | Threats | Solution |
Construct | Is your outcome measure the right one to measure the outcome? | Nowhere | ❌ | Wrong KPI Example: Measuring student commitment with grades is not the best | Correct KPI |
Statistical Conclusion | Are your statistics correct? | Nowhere | ❌ | Low statistical power | More observations |
Violating assumptions of statistical tests | |||||
Fishing & p-hacking | Don't run different DAGs on all the data; follow good train-test split | ||||
Spurious statistical significance | |||||
Internal | Study population | ❌ | Calibration: Measurement error | ||
Calibration: Time frame If study is too short, effect may not be detectable yet If study is too long, attrition may occur | Choose optimal time frame using domain knowledge | ||||
Contamination: Hawthorne effect Observing people makes them behave differently | Use completely-unobserved control groups | ||||
Contamination: John Henry effect Control group works hard to prove they're as good as treatment group Usually this happens because control group knows about the experiment | Keep treatment and control groups separate and unaware of each other | ||||
Contamination: Spillover effect Control groups naturally pick up what treatment group is getting Causes: Externalities, social interaction, equilibrium effects | Keep treatment and control groups separate and unaware of each other | ||||
Contamination: Intervening events Something happens that affects one of the groups and not the other eg: Natural disasters, random events | No fix :/ | ||||
Omitted variable bias | Include variables | ||||
Sampling bias Self-Selection bias (who opts-in), Attrition (who opts-out), Time selection bias | Randomize and/or inspect characteristics of who joins, who stays, who leaves, and when | ||||
Over-controlling (Mediator bias, Collider bias) | Do not over-control | ||||
Trends eg: Child growth | Use control group to remove trend | ||||
Structural breaks eg: Recessions, cultural shifts | Use control group to remove trend | ||||
Seasonality | Compare observations from same season | ||||
Testing: Repeated exposure to questions/tasks will make people improve naturally | Change tests Use control group that receives the test | ||||
Regression to the mean super-high/super-low performers are systematically-different from the rest of the sample | Don't select super-high/super-low performers | ||||
External | Generalizability | Other populations | ✅ | Study volunteers may be W.E.I.R.D. | |
Not everyone takes surveys/calls People who take surveys are systematically different from general population | |||||
Different settings and circumstances |
Causal Biases (bad to worst) - Mediator bias - Omitted variable bias - Confounder bias - Collider bias
Sampling Bias¶
If data is sampled in biased way, learning will produce a similarly biased outcome; problem for both causal and statistical learning
Non-Random Sampling
- non-representative sample that is not a random sample of the population we are interested in
- study population is different from the target population
Case Studies¶
- Presidential election results: Telephone: Truman vs Dewey
- Credit approval
- Creating portfolio based on long-term performance of currently-trading companies of S&P 500
- You are looking at currently-trading stocks
- Sampling bias caused by ‘snooping’
- Solution: look & trade explicitly wrt S&P 500, not the comprising companies?
Censoring | Truncation |
Given a random sample of individuals drawn from the population of interest, some variables – mainly the outcome – are observed only on individuals belonging to a subpopulation, while other variables are observed on all individuals in the sample | If all variables are observed only on individuals belonging to a subpopulation |
greater information loss than censoring |
Solution: Matching distributions¶
Ensure that validation and test data matches the distribution of the true target population
The train and dev set need not match the same distribution, but it is recommended to sub-sample them such that it matches the target population
Doesn’t work for
- Region with \(p(x)=0\) in-sample, but \(p(x)>0\) out-of-sample
How? Gaussian estimation/Adversarial validation
- Balancing using only train data
- Obtain probability \(p\) for each datapoint belonging to the train data
Weight these with \(1/p\) to be sampled again
Distribution matching using target population
- Obtain probability \(p\) for each datapoint belonging to the train data
- Weight these with \(1/p\) to be sampled again
Transportability of Results¶
The ability of the result can be generalized/extrapolated correctly from one population to another.
A causal effect learnt from a study is transportable from study population to target population if both are within the scope.