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Cost Function


Using MLE, we define error as

\[ \begin{aligned} u_i &= \hat y_i - y_i \\ u_i' &= \dfrac{u_i}{\sigma_{yi}} \end{aligned} \]

Usually we expect that \(\sigma_{yi}=1\) and without any measurement noise

Bayes’ Error is the error incurred by an ideal model, which is one that makes predictions from true distribution \(P(x,y)\); even such a model incurs some error due to noise/overlap in the distributions

Total Regression

Total Least Squares


  • Deming Regression
  • Orthogonal regression
  • Geometric mean
  • Method of moments
  • Full total regression

Useful for when data has noise due to

  • Measurement error
  • Need for privacy etc, such as when conducting a salary survey.
\[ \begin{aligned} L &= \left( \dfrac{u_i}{\sigma_{yi}} \right)^2 + \lambda \left( \dfrac{\hat x_i - x_i}{\sigma_{xi}} \right)^2 \\ \lambda &= \dfrac{\sigma^2(\text{known measurement error}_x)}{\sigma^2(\text{known measurement error}_y)} \\ \hat y_i &= \hat \beta_0 + \hat \beta_1 x_i \\ \hat x_i &= \dfrac{y_i - \beta_0}{\beta_1} \\ \text{or} \\ \hat x_i &= x_i + \dfrac{y_i - \hat y_i}{\partial f/\partial x_i} \dfrac{(\partial f/\partial x_i)^2 \sigma^2_{x_i}}{\sqrt{1+\sigma^2_{y_i, \text{eff}}}} \\ \sigma^2_{y_i, \text{eff}} &= \sigma^2_{y_i} + \left( \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \right)^2 \end{aligned} \]

How to get \(\partial f/\partial x_i\)?

  1. Run regression ignoring \(\sigma_{xi}\)
  2. Use this model fit to calculate \(\partial f/\partial x_i \quad \forall i\)
  3. Calculate the effective variance \(\sigma^2_{yi, \text{eff}} \quad \forall i\)
  4. Run weighted regression using 1/effective variance to weight \(y_i\)
  5. Repeated steps until parameters converge (usually takes 1-2 iterations)
Measurement Error of Regressor \(\lambda\)
0 0 OLS
Same as Response 1 Orthogonal



Orthogonal Regression

  • \(\sigma_x = \sigma_y\)
  • Applied when you measure the same quantity with 2 different methods: for tool matching, calibration curves
  • For straight-line model, \(\sigma^2_{y_i, \text{eff}} \propto (1 + {\beta_1}^2)\)
\[ \begin{aligned} \sigma^2_{y_i, \text{eff}} &= \sigma^2_y \left[ 1 + \left(\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}\right)^2 \\ \right] \\ \chi^2 &= \sum_{i=1}^n \left[ \dfrac{u_i}{\sqrt{1+{\beta_1}^2}} \right]^2 \end{aligned} \]

Geometric Mean Regression

  • Estimate slope as geometric mean of OLS slopes from \(y \vert x\) and \(x \vert y\)
  • \(\beta_1 = \dfrac{s_y}{s_y}\)

Method of Moments

If we know measurement error in \(x:\) \(\sigma_{\delta_x}\)

Only good when \(n>50\)

\[ \begin{aligned} \beta_1' &= \dfrac{\beta_1}{1 - \left(\dfrac{s_{\delta_x}}{s_x} \right)^2} \\ \text{SE}(\beta_1') &= \dfrac{\beta_1}{\sqrt{n}} \sqrt{\dfrac{(s_x s_y)^2 + 2 (\beta_1 s^2_{\delta_x})^2}{(s_{xy})^2} - 1} \end{aligned} \]

Deming Regression

OLS of \(y_i \vert \hat x_i\) produces same fit as Deming of \(y_i \vert x_i\)

Assumes that there is no model error: all uncertainty in \(x\) and \(y\) is due to measurement

If Deming Regression and Method of Moments give different estimates, then the model specification may be incorrect

MSE vs Chi-Squared

  • MSE(\(u_i\)) may/may not \(= \chi^2_\text{red}\)
  • MSE(\(u_i'\)) \(= \chi^2_\text{red}\)

Loss Functions \({\mathcal L}(\theta)\)

\[ \text{Loss}_i = {\mathcal L}(\theta, u_i) \]
  • Penalty for a single point (absolute value, squared, etc)
  • Should always be tailor-made for each problem, unless impossible
  • Need not be symmetric
  • Regression: Under-prediction and over-prediction can be penalized differently
  • Classification: False negative and false-positive can be penalized differently

Properties of Loss Function

Non-negativity \({\mathcal L}(u_i) \ge 0, \quad \forall i\)
No penalty for no error \({\mathcal L}(0)=0\)
Monoticity \(\vert u_i \vert > \vert u_j \vert \implies {\mathcal L}(u_i) > {\mathcal L}(u_j)\)
Differentiable Continuous derivative
Symmetry \({\mathcal L}(-u_i)={\mathcal L}(+u_i)\) Not always required for custom loss functions

Weighted Loss

Related to weighted regression $$ {\mathcal L}'(\theta) = {\mathcal L}(w_i \theta) $$

\[ \begin{aligned} u'_i &= u_i \times \sqrt[a]{w_i} \\ \text{SE}(u') &= s_{u'} \\ &= \sqrt{\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i (u_i)^2}{n-k}} \\ &= \sqrt{\dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n (u_i')^2}{n-k}} \end{aligned} \]


  • \({\mathcal J}(\theta)\) = usual loss function
  • \(a=\) exponent of the loss function (square, etc)
Goal: Address \(w_i\) Prefer Comment
Asymmetry of importance \(\Big( \text{sgn}(u_i) - \alpha \Big)^2 \\ \alpha \in [-1, 1]\) \(\begin{cases} \text{Under-estimation}, & \alpha < 0 \\ \text{Over-estimation}, & \alpha > 0 \end{cases}\)
Observation Error

where \(\sigma^2_{y_i}\) is the uncertainty associated with each observation
Observations with low uncertainty Maximum likelihood estimation
Input Error
where \(\sigma^2_X\) is the uncertainty associated
Observations with high input measurement accuracy
Observation Importance Importance Observations with high domain-knowledge importance For time series data, you can use \(w_i = \text{Radial basis function(t)}\)
- \(\mu = t_\text{max}\)
- \(\sigma^2 = (t_\text{max} - t_\text{min})/2\)

Regression Loss


Metric \({\mathcal L}(u_i)\) Optimizing gives __ of conditional distribution Preferred Value Unit Range Signifies Advantages
Comment \(\alpha\) of advanced family Breakdown Point Efficiency Scale independent Insensitive to outliers Symmetric to over-underforecasting Symmetric to swapping of true and forecasted Can handle zeros
\(\begin{cases} 0, & u_i = 0 \\ 1, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\) Mode
(Bias Error)
\(u_i\) \(\begin{cases} 0, & \text{Unbiased} \\ >0, & \text{Over-prediction} \\ <0, & \text{Under-pred} \end{cases}\) Unit of \(y\) \((-\infty, \infty)\) Direction of error bias
Tendency to overestimate/underestimate
Cannot evaluate accuracy, as equal and opposite errors will cancel each other, which may lead to non-optimal model having error=0
(Absolute Error)/
Manhattan distance
\(\vert u_i \vert\) Median \(\downarrow\) Unit of \(y\) \([0, \infty)\) Robust to outliers Not differentiable at origin, which causes problems for some optimization algo
There can be multiple optimal fits
Does not penalize large deviations
MLE for \(\chi^2\) for Laplacian dist \(74 \%\)???
SE (Squared Error)/
Euclidean distance
\({u_i}^2\) Mean \(\downarrow\) Unit of \(y^2\) \([0, \infty)\) Variance of errors with mean as MDE
Maximum log likelihood
Penalizes large deviations Sensitive to outliers MLE for \(\chi^2\) for normal dist \(\approx 2\) \(1/n\) \(100 \%\)
Smooth L1/
\(\begin{cases} \dfrac{u_i^2}{2 \epsilon}, & \vert u_i \vert < \epsilon \\ \vert u_i \vert - \dfrac{\epsilon}{2}, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\) \(\downarrow\) \([0, \infty)\) Balance b/w L1 & L2
Prevents exploding gradients
Robust to outliers
Piece-wise combination of L1&L2 1
Huber \(\begin{cases} \dfrac{u_i^2}{2}, & \vert u_i \vert < \epsilon \\ \lambda \vert u_i \vert - \dfrac{\lambda^2}{2}, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\)

\((\lambda_\text{rec} = 1.345 \times \text{MAD}_u)\)
\(\downarrow\) \([0, \infty)\) Same as Smooth L1 Computationally-expensive for large datasets
\(\epsilon\) needs to be optimized
Only first-derivative is defined
Piece-wise combination of L1&L2
\(H = \epsilon \times {L_1}_\text{smooth}\)
Solution behaves like a trimmed mean: (conditional) mean of two (conditional) quantiles
\(95 \%\)
Log Cosh \(\Big\{ \log \big( \ \cosh (u_i) \ \big) \Big \} \\ \approx \begin{cases} \dfrac{{u_i}^2}{2}, & \vert u_i \vert \to 0 \\ \vert u_i \vert - \log 2, & \vert u_i \vert \to \infty \end{cases}\) \(\downarrow\) Same as Smooth L1
Doesn’t require hyperparameter tuning
Double differentiable
\(\dfrac{\epsilon^2}{2} \times \log \Big[ 1 + \left( \dfrac{{u_i}}{\epsilon} \right)^2 \Big]\) \(\downarrow\) Same as Smooth L1 Not convex 0
Log-Barrier \(\begin{cases} - \epsilon^2 \times \log \Big(1- \left(\dfrac{u_i}{\epsilon} \right)^2 \Big) , & \vert u_i \vert \le \epsilon \\ \infty, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\) Solution not guaranteed Regression loss \(< \epsilon\), and classification loss further
\(\epsilon\)-insensitive \(\begin{cases} 0, & \vert u_i \vert \le \epsilon \\ \vert u_i \vert - \epsilon, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\) Non-differentiable
\(\begin{cases} \dfrac{\lambda^2}{6 \left(1- \left[1-\left( \dfrac{u_i}{\lambda} \right)^2 \right]^3 \right)}, & \vert u_i \vert < \lambda \\ \dfrac{\lambda^2}{6}, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\)
\(\lambda_\text{rec} = 4.685 \times \text{MAD}_u\)
\(\downarrow\) Robust to outliers Suffers from local minima (Use huber loss output as initial guess) Ignores values after a certain threshold \(\infty\)
Geman-Mclure -2
Quantile/Pinball \(\begin{cases} q \vert u_i \vert , & \hat y_i < y_i \\ (1-q) \vert u_i \vert, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\)
\(q = \text{Quantile}\)
Quantile \(\downarrow\) Unit of \(y\) Robust to outliers Computationally-expensive
Expectile \(\begin{cases} e (u_i)^2 , & \hat y_i < y_i \\ (1-e) (u_i)^2, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\)
\(e = \text{Expectile}\)
Expectable \(\downarrow\) Unit of \(y^2\) Expectiles are a generalization of the expectation in the same way as quantiles are a generalization of the median
(Absolute Percentage Error)
\(\left \lvert \dfrac{ u_i }{y_i} \right \vert\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\) Easy to understand
Robust to outliers
Explodes when \(y_i \approx 0\)
Division by 0 error when \(y_i=0\)
Asymmetric: \(\text{APE}(\hat y, y) \ne \text{APE}(y, \hat y) \implies\) Penalizes over-prediction more than under-prediction
Sensitive to measurement units
Symmetric APE
\(\left \lvert \dfrac{ u_i }{\hat y_i + y_i} \right \vert\) Denominator is meant to be mean(\(\hat y, y\)), but the 2 is cancelled for appropriate range
(Squared Scaled Error)
\(\dfrac{ 1 }{\text{SE}(y_\text{naive}, y)} \cdot u_i^2\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\)
(Absolute Scaled Error)
\(\dfrac{ 1 }{\text{AE}(y_\text{naive}, y)} \cdot \vert u_i \vert\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\)
ASE Modified \(\left \lvert \dfrac{ u_i }{y_\text{naive} - y_i} \right \vert\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\) Explodes when \(\bar y - y_i \approx 0\)
Division by 0 error when \(\bar y - y_i \approx 0\)
(Weighted Mean Absolute Percentage Error)
\(\dfrac{ \sum \vert u_i \vert }{\sum \vert y_i \vert}\)

\(= \dfrac{\text{MAE} }{ \text{mean}(\vert y \vert)}\)
\(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\) Avoids the limitations of MAPE Not as easy to interpret
MALE \(\vert \ \log_{1p} \vert \hat y_i \vert - \log_{1p} \vert y_i \vert \ \vert\)
(Log Error)
\((\log_{1p} \vert \hat y_i \vert - \log_{1p} \vert y_i \vert)^2\) \(\downarrow\) Unit of \(y^2\) \([0, \infty)\) Equivalent of log-transformation before fitting - Robust to outliers
- Robust to skewness in response distribution
- Linearizes relationship
- Penalizes under-prediction more than over-prediction
- Penalizes large errors very little, even lesser than MAE (still larger than small errors, but weight penalty inc very little with error)
- Less interpretability
(Relative Absolute Error)
\(\dfrac{\sum \vert u_i \vert}{\sum \vert y_\text{naive} - y_i \vert}\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\) Scaled MAE
(Relative Square Error)
\(\dfrac{\sum (u_i)^2 }{\sum (y_\text{naive} - y_i)^2 }\) \(\downarrow\) % \([0, \infty)\) Scaled MSE
Peer Loss \({\mathcal L}(\hat y_i \vert x_i, y_i) - L \Big(y_{\text{rand}_j} \vert x_i, y_{\text{rand}_j} \Big)\)
\({\mathcal L}(\hat y_i \vert x_i, y_i) - L \Big(\hat y_j \vert x_k, y_j \Big)\)
Compare loss of actual prediction with predicting a random value
Actual information gain Penalize overfitting to noise
Winkler score \(W_{p, t}\) \(\dfrac{Q_{\alpha/2, t} + Q_{1-\alpha/2, t}}{\alpha}\) \(\downarrow\)
(Continuous Ranked Probability Scores)
\(\overline Q_{p, t}, \forall p\) \(\downarrow\)
(Skill Scores)
\(\dfrac{\text{CRPS}_\text{Naive} - \text{CRPS}_\text{Method}}{\text{CRPS}_\text{Naive}}\) \(\downarrow\)

Outlier Sensitivity


Robust estimators are only robust to non-influential outliers; if outliers have sufficient influence, it is unavoidable

Advanced Loss

\[ {\mathcal L}(u, \alpha, c) = \frac{\vert \alpha - 2 \vert}{\alpha} \times \left[ \left( \dfrac{(u/c)^2}{\vert \alpha - 2 \vert} + 1 \right)^{\alpha/2} -1 \right] \]

If you don’t want to optimize for \(c\), default \(c=1\)



  • Monotonic wrt \(\vert u \vert\) and \(\alpha\): useful for graduated non-convexity
  • Smooth wrt \(u\) and \(\alpha\)
  • Bounded first and second derivatives: no exploding gradients, easy preconditioning

Adaptive Loss

No hyper-parameter tuning!, as \(\alpha\) is optimized for its most optimal value as well

If the selection of \(\alpha\) wants to discount the loss for outliers, it needs to increase the loss for inliers

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{L}' &= -\log P(u \vert \alpha) \\ &= {\mathcal L}(u, \alpha) + \log Z(\alpha) \end{aligned} \]


Classification Loss

Should be tuned to control which type of error we want to minimize

  • overall error rate
  • false positive rate (FPR)
  • false negative rate (FNR)

Imbalanced dataset: Re-weight loss function to ensure equal weightage for each target class

  • Sample weight matching the probability of each class in the population data-generating distribution
  • For eg \(\sum_{i} w_{ic} = \text{same}, \forall c\)

    • \(w_i = 1-f_c = 1-\dfrac{n_c}{n}\), where \(n_i=\) no of observations of class \(c\)
  • Modify loss function

  • Under-sampling
Metric Formula Range Preferred Value Expected Initial Value Meaning Advantages Disadvantages
\(\begin{cases} 0, & \hat y = y \\ 1, & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\) \([0, 1]\) \(0\) Produces a Bayes classifier that maximizes the posterior probability Easy to interpret Treats all error types equally
Minimizing is np-hard
Not differentiable
Modified Indicator \(\begin{cases} 0, & \hat y = y \\ a, & \text{FP} \\ b, & \text{FN} \end{cases}\) \(0\) Control on type of error to min Harder to interpret
Log Loss/
Negative Log Likelihood/
\(-\ln L\)

\(L = \left( \dfrac{\exp(\hat p_i)}{\sum_{c=1}^C \exp(\hat p_c)} \right)\), where \(i=\) correct class
\(- \hat p_i + \ln \sum_{c=1}^C \exp(\hat p_c)\)

Logistic Regression (Binary CE)
\(-\log \Big(\sigma(-\hat y \cdot y_i) \Big) = \log(1 + e^{-\hat y \cdot y_i})\)
\(y, \hat y \in \{-1, 1 \}\)
\([0, \infty]\) \(\downarrow\) \(- \ln \vert 1/C \vert\)
\(C=\) no of classes
Minimizing gives us \(p=q\) for \(n>>0\) (Proven using Lagrange Multiplier Problem)
Information Gain \(\propto \dfrac{1}{\text{Entropy}}\)
Entropy: How much information gain we have
Focal Loss \(\alpha (1-L)^\gamma \times -\ln(L)\)
\(\alpha (1-p_t)^\gamma \times \text{CE}\)

\(L = \exp(-\text{CE}) =\) likelihood
\([0, \infty]\) \(0\) Weighted CE Useful for imbalanced datasets For optimal, hyperparameters, domain-knowledge or tuning required
Random Idea
\(-\ln \left( \dfrac{\hat p_i - m}{\sum_{c=1}^C (\hat p_c - m)} \right)\), where \(i=\) correct class
\(m = \arg \min (\hat p_c)\)

Will this give the same properties as CE, without the expensive \(\exp\) operation
Gini Index \(\sum\limits_c^C p_c (1 - \hat p_c)\)
Hinge \(\max \{ 0, 1 - y_i \hat y_i \}\)
\(y \in \{ -1, 1 \}\)

\(\begin{cases} 0, & \hat y = y \\ \sum_{j \ne y_i} \max (0, s_j - s_{y_i} + 1), & \text{o.w} \end{cases}\) (multi-class)
\([0, \infty)\) \(0\) \(C-1\)
\(C=\) no of classes
Equivalent to \(L_1\) loss but only for predicting wrong class
Maximize margin
- Insensitive to outliers: Penalizes errors “that matter” - Loss is non-differentiable at point
- Does not have probabilistic interpretation
- Solution not unique; need to use L2 regularization
Exponential \(\exp (-\hat y \cdot y)\)
\(y \in \{ -1, 1 \}\)
Basic \(e^{\text{Cross Entropy}}\) Sensitive to outliers
KL (Kullback-Leibler) Divergence/
Relative entropy/
Cross Entropy - Entropy
\(H(p, q) - H(p)\)


Example for \(y = 1\)


Clustering Loss

\[ {\mathcal L}(\theta) = D\Big( x_i, \text{centroid}(\hat y_i) \Big) \]

Proximity Measures

  • Similarity
  • Dissimilarity
  • Distance measure (subclass)


May be

  • \([0, 1], [0, 10], [0, 100]\)
  • \([0, \infty)\)

Types of Proximity Measures


For document, sparse data

  • Jacard Similarity
  • Cosine Similarity


For continuous data

  • Correlation
  • Euclidean


Attribute Type Dissimilarity Similarity
Nominal \(\begin{cases} 0, & p=q \\1, &p \ne q \end{cases}\) \(\begin{cases} 1, & p=q \\ 0, &p \ne q \end{cases}\)
Ordinal \(\dfrac{\vert p-q \vert}{n-1}\)
Values mapped to integers: \([0, n-1]\), where \(n\) is the no of values
\(1- \dfrac{\vert p-q \vert}{n-1}\)
Interval/Ratio \(\vert p-q \vert\) \(-d\)
\(1 - \dfrac{d-d_\text{min}}{d_\text{max}-d_\text{min}}\)

Dissimilarity Matrix

Symmetric \(n \times n\) matrix, which stores a collection of dissimilarities for all pairs of \(n\) objects

  • \(d(2, 1) = d(1, 2)\)

It gives the distance from every object to every other object



Test 1 Tets 2 Test 3

Compute for test 2

1 2 3 4

Distance between data objects

Minkowski’s distance


  • \(a, b\) be data objects
  • \(n\) be no of attributes
  • \(r\) be parameter

The distance between \(x,y\) is

\[ d(a, b) = \left( \sum_{k=1}^n \vert a_k - b_k \vert^r \right)^{\frac{1}{r}} \]
\(r\) Type of Distance \(d(x, y)\) Gives Magnitude of Distance Remarks
1 City block
\(L_1\) Norm
\(\sum_{k=1}^n \vert a_k - b_k \vert\) Distance along axes Maximum
2 Euclidean
\(L_2\) Norm
\(\sqrt{ \sum_{k=1}^n \vert a_k - b_k \vert^2 }\) Perpendicular Distance Shortest We need to standardize the data first
\(\infty\) Chebychev
\(L_{\max}\) norm
\(L_\infty\) norm
\(\max (\vert x_k - y_k \vert )\) Medium

Also, we have squared euclidean distance, which is used sometimes

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{k=1}^n |a_k - b_k|^2 \]

Properties of Distance Metrics

Property Meaning
Non-negativity \(d(a, b) = 0\)
Symmetry \(d(a, b) = d(b, a)\)
Triangular inequality \(d(a, c) \le d(a, b) + d(b, c)\)

Similarity between Binary Vector

\(M_{00}\) shows how often do they come together; \(p, q\) do not have 11 in the same attribute

Simple Matching Coefficient

\[ \text{SMC}(p, q) = \frac{ M_{00} + M_{11} (\text{Total no of matches}) }{ \text{Number of attributes} } \]

Jaccard Coefficient

We ignore the similarities of \(M_{00}\)

\[ \text{JC}(p, q) = \frac{M_{11}}{M_{11} + M_{01} + M_{10}} \]

Similarity between Document Vectors

Cosine Similarity

\[ \begin{aligned} \cos(x, y) &= \frac{ xy }{ \vert x \vert \ \ \vert y \vert } \sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i \\ &= x \cdot y \\ \vert x \vert &= \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2} \end{aligned} \]
\(\cos (x, y)\) Interpretation
1 Similarity
0 No similarity/Dissimilarity
-1 Dissimilarity

Document Vector

Frequency of occurance of each term

\[ \cos(d_1, d_2) = \frac{d_1 d_2}{ ||d_1|| \ \ ||d_2|| } \sum_{i=1}^n d_1 d_2 \]

Tanimatto Coefficient/Extended Jaccard Coefficient

\[ T(p, q) = \frac{ pq }{ ||p||^2 + ||q||^2 - pq } \]

Costs Functions \({\mathcal J}(\theta)\)

Aggregated penalty for entire dataset (mean, median) which is calculated once for each epoch, which includes loss function and/or regularization

This is the objective function on for our model to minimize $$ {\mathcal J}(\hat y, y) = f( {\mathcal L}(\hat y, y) ) $$ where \(f=\) summary statistic such as mean, etc

You can optimize

  • location: mean, median, etc
  • scale: variance, IQR, etc
  • Combination of both

For eg:

  • Mean(SE) = MSE, ie Mean Squared Error
  • \(\text{RMSE} = \sqrt{\text{MSE}}\)
  • Normalized RMSE = \(\dfrac{\text{RMSE}}{\bar y}\)


RMSE is a good balance between MSE and MAE, as it is similar to

  • MSE: penalizes large deviations
  • MAE: is in the same unit as \(y\)

Bessel’s Correction

Penalize number of predictors $$ \begin{aligned} \text{Cost}\text{corrected} &= \text{Cost}\text{corrected} \times \dfrac{n}{\text{DOF}} \ \text{DOF} &= n-k-e \end{aligned} $$

  • where
  • \(n=\) no of samples
  • \(k=\) no of parameters
  • \(e=\) no of intermediate estimates (such as \(\bar x\) for variance)

  • Modify accordingly for squares/root metrics

Robustness to Outliers

  • Median: Very robust, but very low efficiency
  • Trimmed Mean: Does not work well for small sample sizes
  • IQR
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
