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Null \(\beta_0 + u\)
Subset \(\beta_0 + \sum_j^k' \beta_j x_j + u; k'<k\)
Full \(\beta_0 + \sum_j^k \beta_j x_j + u\)

Model Selection

  1. Fit multiple models \(g_i\) on the training data
  2. Use interval validation data for hyper parameter tuning of each model \(g_i\)
  3. Use external validation data for model selection and obtain \(g^*\)
  4. Combine the training and validation data. Refit \(g^*\) on this set to obtain \(g^{**}\)
  5. Assess the performance of \(g^{**}\) on the test data

Finally, train \(g^{**}\) on the entire data to obtain \(\hat f\)

Feature Selection

Also called as Subset/Variable Selection

For \(p\) potential predictors, \(\exists \ 2^p\) possible models. Comparing all subsets is computationally-infeasible

Selection Type Constraint Type Advantage Disadvantage
Full Search Discrete Hard Brute-Force Global optima Computationally-expensive
Forward stepwise selection Discrete Hard Starts with the null model, and then adds predictors one-at-a-time Computationally efficient
Lower sample size requirement
Backward Stepwise Selection Discrete Hard Start with the full model and remove predictors one-at-a-time Expensive
Large sample size requirement
LASSO Continuous Soft Refer to regularization

Neither selection method is guaranteed to find the best subset of predictors.


  1. Let M0 denote the null model.
  2. Fit all univariate models. Choose the one with the best in-sample fit (smallest RSS, highest R2) and add that variable – say x(1)– to M0. Call the resulting model M1.
  3. Fit all bivariate models that include x(1): y ∼ β0 + β(1)x(1) + βj xj , and add xj from the one with the best in-sample fit to M1. Call the resulting model M2.
  4. Continue until your model selection rule (cross-validation error, AIC, BIC) is lower for the current model than for any of the models that add one variable.


  • \(\alpha_\text{add}\) usually \(0.05\) or \(0.10\)
  • \(\alpha_\text{remove} > \alpha_\text{add}\)

Forward Stepwise Regression

  1. Write down full possible model with all predictors, functions, interactions, etc
  2. Regress \(y\) against each model term individually
  3. Pick \(\alpha_\text{add}\) and \(\alpha_\text{remove}\) such that \(\alpha_\text{add}<\alpha_\text{remove}\)
  4. Pick best regressor
    1. Calculate \(t=\beta_j/\text{SE}(\beta_j)\)
    2. Calculate \(p\) value for each term
    3. Pick smallest \(p\)-value \(p^*_j\)
    4. \(p^*_j<\alpha_\text{add} \implies\) add parameter \(j\)
  5. Check if previous term should be removed
  6. For all previously-added regressors, find the one with the lowest \(t\) score and hence highest \(p\) value \(p^*_{j'}\)
  7. If \(p^*_{j'} > \alpha_\text{remove}\), remove \(j'\)
  8. Repeat step 4-5 until no improvement

Omitted Variable Bias

If a correct regressor \(x_j\) is missing from the model, then the remaining model parameters will be biased if \(x_j\) is related to the other vars

The bias will be proportional to the correlation between the missing \(x_j\) and the regressors used in the model

Uncounted DOF

Every time you test a regressor term for the model, it is an addition to the degree of freedom, whether or not you include it in the model

Causes data snooping

DOF = \(n-p +\) no of trials

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
