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Piecewise Regression

Breaks input space into distinct regions and fits different relationship for each region.

Linear Basis Function Models

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat y &= \sum_{m=1}^M \hat \beta_m \phi_m + u \\ &= \beta' \Phi + u \\ &= (\Phi' \Phi)^{-1} \Phi' Y \end{aligned} \]

where \(\phi(x) =\) basis function

Piecewise Constant Regression

For every \(x \in R_m\), we make the same prediction, which is simply the mean of the response values for the training observations in \(R_m\)

  • Divide range of \(x\) into \(m\) regions by creating \((m-1)\) knots (cut-points) \(\epsilon_1, \dots, \epsilon_{M-1}\)
  • Construct dummy variables: \(\phi_m(x) = I(\epsilon_{m-1} \le x < \epsilon_m), \forall m \in M\)
  • Fit model \(\hat y = \sum_{m=1}^M \hat \beta_m \phi_m + u\)
  • \(\hat y = \sum_{m=1}^M \hat \beta_m \phi_m\) is called as step function/piece-wise constant function
  • \(\hat \beta_m = \bar y_m = \dfrac{\sum_{x_i \in R_m} y_i}{n_m}\)

Piecewise Polynomial Regression



So we specify \(\alpha_{10} + \alpha_{11} \epsilon = \alpha_{20}\)

Spline with one knot $$ \hat y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \beta(x- \epsilon)_+ + u $$ where

  • \(\beta_0 = \alpha_{10}, \beta_1 = \alpha_{11}, \beta_2 = \alpha_{21}-\alpha_{11}\)
  • \((x-\epsilon)_+ = (x-\epsilon) I (x \ge \epsilon)\)



Spline Degree \(d\) spline is a piece-wise degree \(d\) polynomial with continuity in derivatives up to degree \((d-1)\) at each knot
- Continuous
- Smooth
\((d+m)\) degrees of freedom
\((m-1)\) knots
High variance at boundary
Natural Spline Function is linear beyond the boundary knots, to produce more stable estimates

Generalized Additive Models

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat y &= w_0 + \sum_{i=1}^k w_i(x_i) + u \\ w_j(x_j) &= \sum_{m=1}^{M_j} \beta_{jm} \phi_{jm} (x_j) \end{aligned} \]

Allow for flexible nonlinear relationships in each dimension of the input space while maintaining additive structure of linear models

Can be fit using least squares, as it is a linear basis function model

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
