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Input: \(k =\) number of clusters

Output: Set of \(k\) clusters


  1. Normalize \(X\)

  2. Randomly choose \(k\) objects from the dataset as the initial cluster centroids (centroid = center of a cluster)

  3. For each of the objects

  4. Compute distance between current objects and \(k\) cluster centroids

  5. Assign current object to that cluster to which it is closest

    If distance of a point between 2 clusters is same, then we assign the point to first centroid.

  6. Compute ‘cluster centers’ \(m\) of each cluster. These become the new cluster centroids

\[ \begin{aligned} m_k &= \Big(\text{mean}(X), \text{mean}(Y) \Big) \\ X &= \text{List of } x \text{ coordinates} \\ Y &= \text{List of } y \text{ coordinates} \end{aligned} \]
  1. Repeat steps 2-3 until convergence criterion is satisfied

  2. Stop

Convergence Criterion

  • Particular number of iterations We can derive this by testing and plotting graph of accuracy vs iterations


  • when clusters don’t change over subsequent iterations


  • Clustering stuck in local minima: convergence dependent on initialization
  • Measuring clustering quality is hard & relies on heuristics
  • Non-probabilistic: Cluster assignment is binary
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
