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Density Estimation

Histogram DE


  • No of grid cells inc exponentially with dimensionality \(k\)
  • Histogram is not ‘smooth’
  • Shape of histogram depends on bin positions


Kernel Density Estimation

Hyperparameter: Bandwidth \(w\)


Histogram has \(b\) bins of width \(w\) at fixed positions

KDE effectively places a bin of width \(w\) at each \(x \in \mathcal X\)

To obtain \(P(x)\), we count the % of points that fall in the bin centered at \(x\)

Tophat KDE

\[ \begin{aligned} P_w(x) &= \dfrac{n(x ; w)}{n} \\ n(x ; w) &= \Bigg\vert \Big\{ x_i: \vert \vert x_i - x \vert \vert \le w/2 \Big\} \Bigg\vert \end{aligned} \]

\(n(x; w)=\) no points that are within a bin of width \(w\) centered at \(x\)

To make it smooth, replace histogram counts with weighted averages $$ P(x) \propto \sum_{i=1}^n K(x, x_i) $$ Interpretation

  • We count the no of points ‘near’ \(x\), but each \(x_i\) has a weight \(K(x, x_i)\) that depends on the similarity between \(x\) and \(x_i\)
  • We place a ‘micro-density’ \(K(x, x_i)\) at each \(x_i\); the final density \(P(x)\) is their sum

Common Kernels

  • Linear
  • Gaussian
  • Tophat
  • Epanechnikov
  • Exponential
  • Cosine



  • Can approximate any data distribution arbitrarily well


  • No of datapoints required for a good fit increases exponentially with dimensionality
  • High space complexity: Need to store entire dataset to make queries
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
