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Anomaly Detection

Detecting unusual events occurring outside of the train distribution


  • False positives are a problem
  • No temporal coherence: several anomalous events in sequence do not get priority over the same events randomly sampled in time


  • When using AD as a secondary model to filter data for the primary model, you need not use the same input features for both
  • Anomaly detection could be used on variables that are not directly to the output
    • Even if variable w does not affect \(y\), a novel value in \(w\) could indicate a structural break


  • \(\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{y} \in \mathcal{D}\) be all the data you have
  • \(\mathcal{X}_a\) be used for primary model
  • \(X_b\) be used for anomaly detection

Then, all these perfectly reasonable - \(\vert \mathcal{X}_a \vert = \vert \mathcal{X}_b \vert\) - \(\vert \mathcal{X}_a \vert > \vert \mathcal{X}_b \vert\) - \(\vert \mathcal{X}_a \vert < \vert \mathcal{X}_b \vert\)

Density Estimation



Procedure Methodology

Training Only non-anomalous samples
Validation Verify with known values, then validate, and then update model
Testing Verify with known values and then test

Anomaly Detection vs Classification

Anomaly Detection Classification
Anomalous training samples requirement None
(only required for tuning)
Non-anomalous training samples requirement Large Large
Can handle novelties βœ… ❌
Example Unseen defects
Known defects (scratches)
Spam mail

Feature Engineering

Include features that have very small/large values for anomalies

If anomalies don’t have such values, then try to find a combination of features such as \(x_1 \cdot x_2\) to achieve it

Dealing with Non-Gaussian Features

Transformation of training, validation, and test set.


If you have x values as 0, then \(\log(x)\) as \(\log(0)\) is undefined. So you use \(\log(x+c)\), where \(c>0\)

Categorical Events

Challenge: No metric space allowing comparison

Solution: Self-supervised learning

Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
