Text Classification¶
- Devise features by hand: Does the message contain “church”. Does the email contain an Indian organization’s domain
- Bag of words: Count of occurrences off each word of a pre-defined ‘vocabulary’
- Stemming: only keep the root of the word
- “slowly” and “slow” both mapped to “slow”
- Filtering
- Stopwords: articles
- Filler words
- rare words
\[ \begin{aligned} \text{tf(term)} &= \dfrac{n_\text{term}}{n_\text{terms in document}} \\ \text{idf(term)} &= \ln \left \vert \dfrac{n_\text{documents}}{n_\text{documents containing term}} \right \vert \\ \text{tf-idf(term)} &= \text{tf(term)} \times \text{idf(term)} \end{aligned} \]