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Optimization Algorithms

Need not be just gradient-based

  • The algorithms from AI course can also be used
  • Even brute force is fine for small datasets; since this evaluates all possibilities and does not take any approximations/gradients, this would be robust to noisy data

Gradient-based algorithms are preferred for large datasets

Optimizer Meaning Comment Gradient-Free Weight Update Rule
Advantages Disadvantages
L-BGFS Newton’s method Not commonly used ❌ \(w_{t+1} = w_t - \eta H^{-1} g(w_t)\) Full-step will optimize quadratic functions in one step
No hyperparameters (learning rate)
Computationally-expensive: Can’t efficiently solve for Newton step, even using automatic differentiation
For non-convex optimization, it is very unclear if we even want to use Newton direction
Does not work well for mini-batch training
Nelder-Mead Simplex method âś…
Gradient Descent Generalizes better than Adam ❌ \(w_t - \eta g(w_t)\)
GD + Momentum “Averaging” of step directions
“global” structure similar to BGFS
❌ \(w_t - \eta u_{t}\)
\(u_{t+1} = \beta u_t + (1-\beta) g(w_t); u_0 = 0\)
\(\beta \in [0, 1):\) momentum averaging parameter
Smoothens out steps Can introduce oscillation/non-descent behavior
GD + Unbiased Momentum ❌ \(w_t - \dfrac{\eta u_{t}}{1 - \beta^{t+1}}\)
Dividing by \(1-\beta^{t+1}\) unbiases the update
Ensures updates have equal expected magnitude across all iterations Sometimes you want the initial steps to be smaller than the later states
Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
GD + Nesterov Momentum
Lookahead gradient from momentum step ❌ \(w_t - \eta u_{t\textcolor{hotpink}{-1}}\)
\(u_{t+1} = \beta u_t + (1-\beta) g(w_t \textcolor{hotpink}{- \eta u_t}); u_0 = 0\)
AdaDelta ❌ \(w_t + v_{t+1}\)
\(v_{t+1} = \rho v_t - \eta g(w_t)\)
\(v_{t+1} = \rho v_t - \eta g(w_t + \rho v_t)\)
AdaGrad Decreases the momentum for each parameter, based on how much that parameter has made progress
Can only decrease the moment
❌ \(w_{i, t+1} = w_{i, t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{v_{i, t+1}}} g(w_{i, t})^2\) \(v_{i, t+1} = v_{i, t} + g(w_{i, t})^2\)
\(\epsilon > 0\)
Learning rate tends to zero after a long time
RMSProp Keeps a memory of previous gradients
Can increase/decrease the moment
❌ \(w_{t+1} = w_{i, t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{v_{t+1}}} g(w_{t})^2\)
\(v_{t+1} = \beta v_{t} + (1-\beta) g(w_t)^2\)
\(\epsilon > 0, \beta \in [0, 1]\)
(Adaptive Moment Estimation)
Basically AdaGrad with Momentum

Scales the updates for each parameter differently
❌ \(w_{t+1} = w_{t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{\hat v_{t+1}}} \hat m_{t+1}\)
\(\hat m_{t+1} = \dfrac{m_{t+1}}{1-{\beta_1}^{t+1}}\)
\(m_{t+1} = \beta_1 m_t + (1-\beta_1) g(w_t)\)
\(\hat v_{t+1} = \dfrac{v_{t+1}}{1-{\beta_2}^{t+1}}\)
\(v_{t+1} = \beta_2 v_t + (1-\beta_2) g(w_t)^2\)

\(\epsilon > 0; \beta_1, \beta_2 \in [0, 1]\)
AdamW AdamW is Adam with weight decay rather than L2-regularization

AdamW seems to consistently outperform Adam in terms of both the error achieved and the training time.

Rule of thumb: recommended learning rate \(\eta = 3e^{-4}\)

Newton’s Method

Integrates more “global” structure into optimization methods, which scales gradients according to the inverse of the Hessian Equivalent to approximating the function as quadratic using second-order Taylor expansion, then solving for optimal solution

  • \(\eta=1:\) Full step
  • o.w: Damped Newton method

Brute-Force Regression

m_hat = (0, 5, 0.1) # min, max, precision
c_hat = (0, 5, 0.1) # min, max, precision


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Generate Synthetic Data

\(y = mx + c\)

def equation(x, m, c):
  return m*x + c
x = np.arange(1, 10+1, 1)

m_true = 2
c_true = 3
y = equation(x, m_true, c_true)
m_hat_range = np.arange(m_hat[0], m_hat[1]+m_hat[2], m_hat[2])
c_hat_range = np.arange(c_hat[0], c_hat[1]+c_hat[2], c_hat[2])

data = (

m, c = (
params = (

df = pd.DataFrame(
    data = np.column_stack(
            np.tile(data, (params.shape[0], 1)),
            np.tile(params, (data.shape[0], 1))
    columns = ["x", "y", "m", "c"]

Forward Pass

df["pred"] = equation(df["x"], df["m"], df["c"])

Backward Pass

df["error"] = df["pred"] - df["y"]
df["loss"] = df["error"]**2


results = (
    .groupby(["m", "c"])
    .rename(columns = {
        "loss": "cost"

Loss Landscape

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax = plt.tricontourf(
    levels = 1_000,


Most Optimal Parameters

    .sort_values("cost", ascending=True)
m c cost
2.0 3.0 0.00
2.0 2.9 0.01
2.0 3.1 0.01
2.0 2.8 0.04
2.0 3.2 0.04

Gradient Descent

Similar to trial and error

  1. Start with some \(\theta\) vector
  2. Keep changing \(\theta_0, \theta_1, \dots, \theta_n\) using derivative of cost function, until minimum for \(J(\theta)\) is obtained - Simultaneously
\[ \theta_{\text{new}} = \theta_{\text{prev}} - \eta \ {\nabla J} \]
\(\theta_{\text{new}}\) Coefficients obtained from current iteration
(Output of current iteration)
\(\theta_{\text{old}}\) Coefficients obtained from previous iteration
(Output of previous iteration)
\(\eta\) Learning Rate
\(\nabla J\) Gradient vector of \(J (\theta)\)

Gradients of the Loss Function



Learning Rate \(\eta\)

\(0 < \eta < 1\)

  • Large value may lead to underfitting/overfitting
  • Small value will lead to more time taken

Rule of thumb: recommended learning rate \(\eta = 3 e {-4}\)

Can be

  • constant
  • decay
    • Step: \(\alpha_t = \alpha_{t-a}/2\)
      • Decay by half every few epochs
    • Exponential: \(\alpha_t = \alpha_0 e^{-kt}\)
    • 1/t: \(\alpha_t = \alpha_0/(1+kt)\)


Iterative vs Normal Equation

Iterative Normal Equation
\(\alpha\) not required ❌ ✅
Feature scaling not required ❌ ✅
Time Complexity \(O(kn^2)\) \(O(n^3)\)
Performance Fast even for large \(n\) Slow if \(n > 10^4\)
Compatibility Works for all algorithms Doesn’t work for classification
No of features Works for all algorithms Doesn't work when \(X^TX\) is non-invertible
Stop criteria None
Convergence Slow
Global Optimal guaranteed ❌ ✅
Loss Function Should be double-differentiable

Gradient-based methods find min of a function by moving in the direction in which the function decreases most steeply

Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
