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Mapping input values from a large set (often continuous) to output values in a (countable) smaller set (often discrete)


  1. Lower memory usage
  2. Lower power consumption
  3. Lowe latency
  4. Smaller chip area


  • Weights/Activations

  • Linear/Non-linear

  • Symmetric/assymetric

  • Quantization-aware training

  • Training/inference

  • Error

Tradeoff between 2 types

  • Clipping
    • To reduce, you need to inc the range: dec \(r_\min\) and inc \(r_\max\)
  • Rounding

    • To reduce, you need to reduce the range: inc \(r_\min\) and dec \(r_\max\)
  • Per-tensor, per-channel


Speed Accuracy
Nearest Good
Ceil Poor
Floor Fastest Poor
(Randomly up/down)
(but large standard deviation)
Adaptive rounding

Linear Quantization

\[ \begin{aligned} q &= \text{clip} \{ \ \text{round}(r/s) + z, 0, 2^b - 1 \ \} \\ s &= \dfrac{r_\max - r_\min}{2^b - 1} \end{aligned} \]


  • \(S =\) scale factor
  • \(z =\) zero point
  • If \(z=0:\) symmetric quantization
  • If \(z \ne 0:\) asymmetric quantization
  • \(r_\min\) and \(r_\max\) is usually 10th and 90th percentile
  • Clip function works on any values outside the range

Dequantization $$ r = S(q - Z) $$

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat y &= W X \\ & \approx S_W (W_q - Z_w) S_X (X_q -Z_x) \\ & \approx S_W W_q S_X Z_x & (\text{Symmetric}) \\ & \approx S_W W_q S_X (W_q X_q) \\ & \quad + \underbrace{S_w Z_w S_x Z_x + S_x Z_x S_w W_q}_{\text{precomputed offline } \& \\ \text{ folded into bias addition}} \\ & \qquad + \underbrace{S_w Z_w S_x X_q}_\text{Online overhead} & \text{(Assymmetric)} \end{aligned} \]
  • \(W_q =\) constant during inference
  • \(X_q =\) new data

Online overhead is roughly equivalent to cost of adding 1 channel

  • for multiple channels, it is insignificant overhead
  • for single channels, it is significant overhead


  • Use symmetric quantization for weights
  • Use asymmetric quantization for activations

Scale Value

Per-Tensor Per-Channel
Meaning Single scale/zero for entire tensor Single scale/zero for each channel in tensor
Accuracy Poor
(as channels can have different ranges)
Support in hardware Good Decent?


Post Training

  • Training –> Quantization
  • Weights
  • Frozen & do not change
  • Can precompute scale & zero point
  • Activations
  • scale & zero-points can be calibrated using a mini batch of data

How to find scale and zero-point

  • Run ‘representative’ mini-batches of data through DNN & capture \(r_\max\) and \(r_\min\)

Quantization-Aware Training

Simulate quantization during training to improve model robustness, and then use Post Training Quantization


“Fake quantization” nodes

  • Input: float
  • Output: float
  • Operation:
  • Quantize
  • Dequantize
  • Result
  • Floats that are clip and rounded like ints


Non-Linear Quantization


K-means clustering

  • Represent each group of numbers by a single “centroid”
  • Choose how many clusters you want
  • For \(k\) Clusters, you need \(\log_2 k\) bits to represent centroids


De-quantization function: Lookup table

Cluster Index Centroid Value
0 0.153
1 0.223



  • No effect on operation itself - still full precision
  • Storage footprint reduced drastically
  • Accuracy [typically] well preserved


  • Only applicable to weights

Outliers in LLM quantization


Product Quantization

Quantize group of numbers into a ‘prototype’


  1. Prototype learning
  2. In an initial, offline training phase, cluster the rows of \(A\) (or training set \(\tilde A\)) using \(k\) means to create prototypes
  3. A separate \(k\) means is run in each of the \(C\) disjoint subspaces to produce \(C\) sets of \(k\) prototypes
  4. Encoding function
  5. Determine the most similar prototype to \(a\) in each subspace
  6. Store these assignments as integer indices using \(C \log_2 (k)\) bits
  7. Table construction
  8. Precompute the dot products between \(b\) and each prototype in each subspace
  9. Store these partial dot products in \(C\) lookup tables of size \(k\)
  10. Aggregation
  11. Use the indices and tables to lookup the estimated partial \(a^T b\) in each subspace
  12. Sum the results across all \(C\) subspaces


Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
