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  1. Train ANN
  2. Remove \(p \%\) of parameters with smallest magnitude


Pruning Rate \(p\)
Sparsity Rate \(1-p\)
Compression \(1/s\)

Pruning Mask

The filter that causes the pruning $$ Y = X \cdot (W \odot M) $$

Weight Distribution



  • Before training: at initiationization
  • During training
  • After training


Pruning at initialization



Local Global
Remove least important \(p \%\) of weights in each layer Remove least important \(p \%\) of weights in entire DNN
Disadvantage May cause layer collapse: Removal of all parameters of certain layer

Solution for Layer collapse

  • Hard constraints: if lyre collapse then stop pruning
  • Iterative pruning: fine-tuning helps to equalize the weight magnitudes
Unstructured Structured
Remove blocks of size of dot product in hardware
Remove Individual weights Channels
Filters (N:M)
Advantage Can be accelerated on any hardware
Higher rates
Compression Better
Limitation May cause shape mismatch: no of channels not equal for inputs into future layer, thereby not allowing it



Encourage Sparsity

Add regularization penalty to weights

  • L1-norm
  • L2-norm
  • L\(\infty\)-norm


Pruning Criteria

How to prune

Remove least important

  • Magnitude
  • Gradient
  • Learned
  • Information
  • Salience: The change in the loss function with and without a parameter
  • Gradient-based
  • Information-based


\[ \Delta L_j (w; D) = L( 1 \cdot w; D) - L \Big( (1-e_j) \cdot w; D \Big) \]


  • \(\Delta L_j =\) change in loss function
  • \(w=\) weights
  • \(D =\) dataset
  • \(1 =\) unit vector
  • \((1-e_j) =\)Ā pruning mask

However, this is intractable

Optimal brain damage

The hessian of a neural network is intractable to compute

Salience $$ s_j = \begin{cases} \vert w_j \vert & \text{magnitude-based} \ \dfrac{w^2_j}{2 \times H^{-1}_{jj}} & \text{gradient-based} \end{cases} $$ Delete the lowest saliency parameters

Mutual Information

Measure of how information is present in one var about another var $$ \begin{aligned} \vert \Delta L(h_i) \vert &= \vert L(D, h_i=0) - L(D, h_i=1) \vert & \text{(1)} \ & = \left \vert \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial h_i} h_i \right \vert & \text{(2)} \end{aligned} $$

  1. Impact on loss function \(L\) when activation channel \(h_i\) is set to 0 and when it is not
  2. Gradient of loss function wrt activation map -> intuitively prunes channels that donā€™t impact loss function

Fisher information

How often

  • One-shot
  • Iterative

Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP)

  1. Train ANN
  2. Remove \(p \%\) of params with smallest magnitude
  3. Retrain ANN: ā€˜Fine-tuneā€™
  4. Repeat steps 2-3


Weight distributions



  • Dynamic iterative pruning: Allow parameters to ā€˜come back to lifeā€™: Correction of a pruning decision
  • Runtime pruning: Learn which parameters/channels to drop at runtime based on input data
  • Learnt pruning mask: Use back propagation to learn aspects of pruning algo during training
  • What to prune
  • Pruning Threshold per layer
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
