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Decentralized Learning


Distributed Offloading Federated Collaborative Learning
Send data to central server for training
Device only used as sensor
- Data never stored in data center
- Encrypt data and only decrypt after averaging 1000 updates
Each device maintains functional model
Model Location Servers Servers Device
Aggregated on Cloud
Data Location Device
Device Device
Design goals Speed Privacy
Online learning
Device Types Same Different
Device Compute Power High Low
Training Complex Simple
Run training when phone charging
Transmit updates when WiFi available
Training examples Next-word prediction
Number of devices 10-1k 100k+
Network speed Fast Slow
Network reliability Reliable Intermittent
Data Distribution IID Non-IID
(Each device has own data distribution)
Not representative of training data
Applications - Privacy
- Personal data from devices
- Health data from hospitals
- Continuous data
- Smart home/city
- Autonomous vehicles
Advantages - Save device battery
- No need to support on-device training
- Better accuracy?
- Most secure: Data never aggregated to a central server that could be compromised
- Most scalable: No central server with bandwidth limitations
Limitations - poor privacy
- worse scalability
Not fully private: You can recover data from model parameters/gradient updates
Consumes higher total energy
Challenges Poor network All challenges of FL
Example Google Photos
Federated learning - Wikipedia


Straggler Device that doesn’t return data on time
Data Imbalance One devices has 10k samples, while 10k devices have 1 sample each



  • Gradient
  • Data


Quantization to gradients before transmission

Communication cost drops linearly with bit width


Prune gradients based magnitude and compress zeroes

Distributed Training

  • Model Parallelism: Fully-Connected layers
  • Data Parallelism: Convolutional layers

Single GPU-system


Model Parallelism

All workers train on same batch

Workers communicate as frequently as network allows


Necessary for models that do not fit on a single GPU

No method to hide synchronization latency

  • Have to wait for data to be sent from upstream model split
  • Need to think about how pipelining would work for model-parallel training


  • Inter-layer
  • Intra-layer


  • Overhead due to
  • moving data from one GPU to another via CPU
  • Synchronization
  • Pipelining not easy

Data Parallelism

Each worker trains the same convolutional layers on a different data batch

Workers communicate as frequently as network allows

Communication Overhead Advantage Limitation
Single-GPU image-20240517235009471
Multiple GPU image-20240517235030466 Average gradients across minibatch on all GPUs
Over PCIe, ethernet, NVLink depending on system
\(kn(n-1)\) High communication overhead
Parameter Server image-20240517235720628
Parallel Parameter Sharing image-20240517235936682 \(k\) per worker
\(kn/s\) for server
Ring Allreduce image-20240518000314126 Each GPU has different chunks of the mini-batch \(2k\dfrac{n-1}{n}\) Scalable
Communication cost independent of \(n\)

where - \(n=\) no of client GPUs - \(k =\) no of gradients - \(s=\) no of server GPUs



Step 1: Reduce-Scatter



Step 2: Allgather


Weight Updates Types

Synchronous Asynchronous
Working - Before forward pass, fetch latest parameters from server
- Compute loss on each GPU using these latest parmeters
- Gradients sent back to server to update model
Speed per epoch Slow Fast
Training convergence Fast Slow
Accuracy Better Worse

Pipeline Parallelism


Federated Learning

“Federated”: Distributed but “report to” one central entity

Conventional learning

  • Data collection
  • Data Labeling (if supervised)
  • Data cleaning
  • Model training

But new data is generated very frequently


  1. Download model from cloud to devices
  2. Personalization: Each device trains model on its own local data
  3. Devices send their model updates back to server
  4. Update global model
  5. Repeat steps 1-4

Each iteration of this loop is called “round” of learning


Handling Stragglers Handling Data Imbalance
FedAvg The more data points a device has, the higher weight of device in updating global model Drop Poor image-20240518090015465
FedProx Use partial results Discourage large weight updates through regularization
\(\lambda {\vert \vert w' - w \vert \vert}^2\)
\(w=\) Weight of single device
q-fed-avg Discourage large weight updates for any single device


Data Labelling

How to get labels

  • Sometimes explicit labeling not required: Next-work prediction
  • Need to incentivize users to label own data: Google Photos
  • Use data for unsupervised learning


Horizontal img
Vertical Classification-of-federated-learning copy
Transfer Classification-of-federated-learning copy 2
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
