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03 Basic Regression Analysis


Examine relationship between different variables

Dependence of one variable on another variable

Identify PRF, using SRF


  • Dependent var \(\to\) Random Variable whose distribution changes for different variables
  • Independent \(\to\) Non-Random


Derive a function that traces through the conditional means of \(y\) corresponding to different values of \(x\)

Expected value = mean = average Same meaning

\[ E(y|x_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i \]


not necessarily humans

It refers to any set of data (universal); different from sample (will be covered later).


Population Regression Function

Also called as Conditional Expectation Function(CEF)

It is theoretical; we almost never have access to this

It is always linear wrt hyper-parameters, but may/may not be linear wrt variables


Linear wrt variables Non-Linear wrt variables
Linear wrt parameters \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1\) \(\beta_0 + \beta_2 {x_i}^2\)
Non-Linear wrt parameters \(\beta_0 + {\beta_1}^2 x_1\) \(\beta_0 + {\beta_1}^2 {x_1}^2\)


\[ y_t = e^\alpha x^\beta_t e^{u_t} \iff \ln y_t = \alpha + \beta \ln x_t + u_t \]

One more thing in slide

Some models cannot be changed; they are intrinsically non-linear

\[ y_t = \alpha + x^{\color{orange} \beta}_t + u_t \]

Stochastic Specification of PRF

\[ \begin{aligned} y_i &= E(y|x_i) + u_i \\ & \updownarrow \\ u_i &= y_i - E(y|x_i) \end{aligned} \]


  • Systematic/Deterministic/Common/Explained component
  • Non-Systematic/Random/Disturbance/Idiosyncratic component
    • effect of all omitted variables
    • random effects
    • effect of measurement error

Equivalency with PRF

Stochastic Specification is equal to PRF, as long as \(E(u_i|x_i) = 0\); this does not mean that \(u_i = 0 , \forall i\)

Why? This is because only if it is so, the line passes through the expectations of \(y\) for different values of \(x\). It is mathematically possible only if so. (Draw graph and see)

\[ E(y_i | x_i) = E(y|x_i) + E(u_i|x_i) \]

Why do we need Stochastic Specification?

  • Vagueness of theory
    • Social Sciences has no definite theory for any event
  • Randomness in human behavior
  • Incorporates effect of missing data
    • Wealth data is not as easy to get as income data
  • More appropriate for inexact relatioships
  • Captures effect of omitted variables
    • Some variables are not as important
  • Captures effect of poor proxy variables
  • Principle of Parsimony We usually try to limit to simple models
  • Incorrect functional form
    • Unknown theory
    • Linear/Non-Linear function
  • Incorporates measurement errors

Proxy Variable

A variable that is closely-associated with the variable we want to use.

We use proxy variables, when the main variable is not available


  • Age and Experience
  • CPI and Inflation

Types of Relationships

Statistical/Schochastic Deterministic
Independent var Non-Random Non-Random
Dependent var Random Non-Random
eg Predicting Crop Yield Ohm’s Law


\(y\) \(x\)

Capital Flight

Capital moves from one country to another

Regression \(\ne\) Causation

Does not help understand the direction of causality

We need to use domain knowledge, and impose restriction that \(x\) causes \(y\)

Regression vs Correlation

Regression Correlation
Understand Exact relationship Degree of linear association between 2 variables
Assumption One Dependent variable
One/more independent variable
Both \(x\) and \(y\) are random

Exogeneous vs Endogeneous

Exogeneous vs endogeneous depends on what you assume to be the system

Exogeneous Endogeneous
In our control?
  • Exo = out
  • Endo = in

Basic Concepts of Regression

  1. Derive Conditional values of \(y\) wrt \(x\)
  2. Calculate Conditional probabilities of \(y\) for different values of \(x\)
  3. Calculate conditional mean
  4. Calculate the weighted average using probality of occurance
    • This is different mean from arithmetic mean(simple average)

The expected value of unconditional random variable \(y\) is ???

Variability of \(y\)

The variation of \(y\) for different values of \(x\)

Higher variability is preferred

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
