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Time Series Decomposition

Advantages Disadvantages
Classical ETS Easy to understand & interpret 1. Estimate of trend is unavailable in the first few and last few observations
2. Assumes that seasonal component repeats
3. Not robust to outliers due to usage of means
X-11 1. Relatively robust to outliers
2. Completely automated choices for trend and seasonal changes
3. Tried & tested method
1. No prediction/confidence intervals
2. Ad hoc method with no underlying model
3. Only for quarterly & monthly data
1. Allow adjustments for trading days and explanatory variables
2. Known outliers can be omitted
3. Level shifts & ramp effects can be modelled
4. Missing values estimated and replaced
5. Holiday factors can be estimated
X-13-ARIMA-SEATS 1. Model-based
2. Smooth trend estimate
3. Allows estimates at end-points
4. Incorporates changing seasonality
Seasonal & Trend Decomposition using Loess
- Iterative alogirthm
- Starts with \(\hat T = 0\)
- Uses mixture of loess and moving averages to successively refine trend & seasonal estimates
- Trend window controls loess bandwidth applied to de-seasonalized values
- Season window controls loess bandwidth applied to detrended subseries
- Seasonal component allowed to change over time; Rate of change controlled by analyst
- Smoothness of trend controlled by analyst
- Versatile
- Robust
- Handle any type of seasonality
- Only additive (Use log/Box-Cox transformations for other)
- No training day/calendar adjustments



Classical Decomposition

\(y_t\) Appropriate when
Addititive \(S_t + T_t + R_t\)
Multiplicative \(S_t \times T_t \times R_t\) Magnitude of seasonal fluctuations proportional to level of series

Alternatively, use Box-Cox transformation, and then use additive decomposition. Logs turn multiplicative relationship into additive

\[ \begin{aligned} y_t &= S_t \times T_t \times R_t \\ \implies \ln y_t &= \ln S_t + \ln T_t + \ln R_t \end{aligned} \]

Trend Estimation

Centered moving averages, to combat odd order

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat T_t &= \dfrac{1}{2m} \left( \sum_{i = -(k+1)}^k y_{t+i} + \sum_{i = -k}^{k+1} y_{t+i} \right) \\ \text{where } k &= \dfrac{m-1}{2} \end{aligned} \]
Order (\(m\)) Curve Data Retention
Larger Smoother, flatter Less
(end points are lost)
Smaller Noisy More

Moving average of the same length of a season/cycle removes its pattern

Seasonal Adjusted Data

Component excluding the seasonal component

Detrended Series

\[ \begin{aligned} y_t - \hat T_t &= \hat S_t + \hat R_t \\ \frac{y_t}{\hat T_t} &= \hat S_t \times \hat R_t \end{aligned} \]

Seasonal component

Average of de-trended series for that season. For eg, average of all values in Januaries

You can constraint the seasonal components such that

\[ \hat S_1 + \hat S_2 + \dots + \hat S_{n} = 0 \\ \hat S_1 \times \hat S_2 \times \dots \times \hat S_{n} = m \]

Remainder Component

\[ \begin{aligned} \hat R_t &= y_t - (\hat T_t + \hat S_t) \\ \hat R_t &= \dfrac{y_t}{\hat T_t \hat S_t} \end{aligned} \]

Fourier Transforms

FT’s limitation: FT is completely blind to time, in accordance with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. There’s a tradeoff between correctly estimating the value of function in the frequency & time domain.

It is 1D representation

Types of Fourier Transforms

Continuous Time & Frequency Functional form of time series is known analytically \(\hat x(f) = \int \limits_{-\infty}^\infty x(t) e^{-2\pi i f t} dt\)
Continuous Time, Discrete Frequency
(Fourier Series)
\(\hat x(f_n) = \dfrac{1}{T} \int \limits_{0}^T x(t) e^{-2\pi i f_n t} dt; f_n = \dfrac{n}{T}\)
Discrete Time & Frequency
(Fourier Frequencies)
\(\hat x(f_n) = \sum \limits_{k=0}^{N-1} x_t e^{- 2 \pi i f_n (k \Delta t)} \Delta t; f_n = \dfrac{n}{N \Delta t}; \hat x_n = \hat x^*_{-n}\)
(Fast Fourier Transform)

Denoising using FFT

  1. Apply FFT
  2. Filter it to only the frequencies with the highest amplitude
  3. Take inverse FFT

Wavelet Transform

Overcomes FT’s limitation: FT is completely blind to time, by obtaining an optimal balance between accuracy in frequency & time domain


Short-lived oscillation, localized in time

  • Zero mean: \(E[\phi(t)]=0; \int \phi(t) \cdot dt = 0\) (Admissibility condition)
  • Finite energy: \(\int [\phi(t)]^2 \cdot dt = k, k < \infty\)
Type \(\phi(t)\)
Morlet \(k_0 \cdot e^{i w_0 t} \cdot e^{-t^2/2}\)
Mexican Hat


2D representation: \(y(t) \to T(t, f)\) represents the contribution of frequency \(f\) at time \(t\)

Scaled Wavelet \(\phi(t, a, b) = \phi \left(\dfrac{t-b}{a} \right)\)

The value of \(T(a, b) =\) contribution of \(\phi(t, a, b)\) to comprising the signal $$ T(a, b) = \int y(t) \cdot \phi(t, a, b) \cdot dt $$ Demonstrates the goodness of fit: local similarity



Time Resolution Frequency Resolution
Raw Time Series image-20240203213122515 High \(\approx 0\)
Fourier Transform image-20240203213109138 \(\approx 0\) High
Wavelet Transform image-20240203213047040 Low for small frequencies
High for high frequencies

This is intuitive, as high freq signals are usually short-lived, and small freq signals are usually long-lived

Synthetic Data Generation

Cholesky Decomposition

\(C\) is matrix that lower-diagonal matrix that when multiplied with its transpose gives the correlation matrix \(\Sigma\)

$$ C C' = \Sigma $$ such that \(\Sigma\) is positive-definite with no perfectly-correlated series: non-diagonal elements \(\ne 1\), ie \(\Sigma = r_{ij} \in [0, 1) \quad \forall i \ne j\)

Data Generation

Consider a multi-variate series \(Y_t\) with \(N(0, \sigma)\)

Multiplying \(C\) with a new random multi-variate series \(Z_t\) gives a series \(Y'_t\) with the same characteristics of \(Y_t\)

\[ \begin{aligned} Y'_t &= Z_t \cdot C' \\ Y'_t &\sim N(0, \Sigma) \end{aligned} \]
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Correlation
corr = Y.corr()
# corr = np.array([ [1, 0.9, -0.9], [0.9, 1, -0.9], [-0.9, -0.9, 1] ])

# Decomposition
C = np.linalg.cholesky(corr)

# Random Data Generation
Z = np.random.randn(*Y.shape)
# Z = 0 + 1 * np.random.randn(1_000, 3)

# Correlating
Y_sim_temp = np.matmul(Z, C.T)
Y_sim = Y.mean(axis=0) + (Y.std(axis=0) * Y_sim_temp)

# Inspection
df = pd.DataFrame(Y_sim)

Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
