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Value Modelling

Meaning Value at Risk Value at Gain
\(p_x = x \%\) VAR/VAG is values for __ of distribution Bottom \(x \%\) Top \(x \%\)
Bottom \((1-x) \%\)
Probability of __ given level Losses < Gains >
Preferred for Lending (concerned about receiving repayment) Investing (interested in gain)
Example VaR_Graph

Note: Both are one-sided tails

Target Curve

Cumulative Distribution of outcomes (rarely frequency distribution)

Goes from VAR % to VAG %



If target curve 1 always to right of another, it dominates

But it is not necessary that one alternative always performs better than other in all situations, as best case for one situation may be bad for another situation

Evaluation Methods

Historical Percentile of historical values
Parametric/Variance-Covariance 1. Calculate covariance matrix of all securities
2. Annualize them
3. Calculate portfolio standard deviation: \(\sigma_p = \sqrt{w' \Sigma w}\)
Monte Carlo Simulation 1. Obtain dist statistics: Mean, Variance, …
2. Run simulation
3. Get the required percentiles
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
