- Principles of Economics | Dr. Sartaj Rasool Rather | BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
- Principles of Macroeconomics | MIT
- Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis | Humbolt-University Berlin
- European Integration | Humbolt-University Berlin
- Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis | Humbolt-University Berlin
- Labor Markets with Search Frictions | Humbolt-University Berlin
- Public Finance and Public Policy | MIT
- Innovation Systems for Science, Technology, Energy, Manufacturing, and Health | MIT
- Game Theory 101 Full Course | William Spaniel
- Game Theory | Yale
- Game Theory with Ben Polak | YaleCourses
- Game Theory and Economics | IIT Guwahati
- Intermediate Macroeconomics | Matt Birch
- Econ 2450A Public Economics | Raj Chetty | Harvard
- Macroeconomics | Liam Malloy
- Intermediate Macroeconomics | Liam Malloy
- Environmental Economics | Matt Birch
- Macroeconomics | The Economy 2.0 | The CORE Econ Team
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