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Macroeconomic Measures

In macro, production = income


Aspect Technique Value
Location PPP
Purchasing power parity
Price corrected for location Big Mac Index
Time Nominal Absolute price at a time
Relative Price corrected for time, ie prices of base year CPI: Basket of goods
Population per capita GDP per capita

Aggregate Output

Why is it in currency? - To make everything into a single unit of measurement

Full Form Gross Domestic Product Gross National Product
Meaning 1. Total value of final goods and services produced within the borders of a country (regardless of nationality); final* is to ensure independence from ownership structure

2. Sum of value added within the borders of a country (regardless of nationality)

3. Sum of incomes (and profits) within the borders of a country (regardless of nationality)
1. Total value of final goods and services produced by nationals/citizens of a country (regardless of location); final* is to ensure independence from ownership structure

2. Sum of value added by nationals/citizens of a country (regardless of location)

3. Sum of incomes (and profits) of citizens of a country (regardless of location)
Calculation Add
+ Private Consumption
+ Investment
+ Govt expenditures
+ Exports

- Imports
Why? Easy to measure
Limitations Includes govt expenditure to good/bad requirements: crime, natural disasters
Does not include informal activities


Potential output Actual output
Meaning Ideal output an economy can produce by using all its resources What an economy actually produces


Term Meaning
Employment \(E\) Number of people with a job
Unemployment \(U\) Number of people seeking jobs but cannot get
Does not include discouraged workers and uninterested people
Discouraged workers Number of people who give up looking for a job
Labor Force \(L\) \(E + U\)
Unemployment rate \(u\) Proportion of people seeking jobs but cannot get

Participation Rate \(\dfrac{\text{Labor Force}}{\text{Total population of working age}}\)

Unemployment Rate

Natural Rate Actual Rate
Meaning Unemployment rate which exists regardless of whatever we do The current rate of unemployment
it fluctuates a lot

However, if you take the average of 20yrs or so, the average actual rate tends to the natural rate
Factors 1. resources
2. technology
3. production capacity/no of factories
4. population/size of the country


Sustained rise in the general level of price

Inflation rate: Rate at which prices of commodities increase

\[ \pi_t = \dfrac{P_t - P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}} \]
+ve Inflation Deflation (-ve inflation)
Meaning increase in prices of commodities decrease in prices of commodities
Comment Happens when economy is growing More dangerous than high inflation

Usually targeted inflation - developed countries: 2-3% - developing countries: 5-8%

Why is small inflation good? Incentivizes spending


Consumer Price Index
Cost of living
Core CPI CPI excluding volatile commodities: energy and food
GDP Deflator \(\dfrac{\text{Nominal GDP}}{\text{Real GDP}}\)


Prices increase due to
Cost-Push inflation increase in the cost for supply - cost of production
- prices of raw materials
- oil prices (transportation)
for the name, think suppliers push the product to the consumers
Demand-pull inflation increase in demand for the name, think consumers pull the product from the sellers
Structural inflation suppliers are not able to keep up with the demand due to lack of infrastructure; ie, demand increases and producers want to increase output, but aren't able to do so

Inflation Models

Taylor Rule

Inflation rate something

\[ I_t = \beta_1 + \beta_2 (\pi_t - \pi_t^*) + e_t \]

Money Supply

\[ I_t = \beta_1 + \beta_2 M_t + e_t \]

Inflation-Welfare Cost Relation


Optimal Inflation Rate
Developed Countries 2%
Developing Countries 4-6%

Inflation, Unemployment, Output

\[ \text{Output} \propto \text{Inflation} \propto \dfrac{1}{\text{Unmployment}} \]
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
