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Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing involves testing the following question

Is the estimated value sufficiently close to stated value?


  • Simple Hypothesis
    • Single Tailed
    • \(\beta_2 > 0.3\)
  • Composite Hypothesis
    • 2 Tailed
    • Bi-Directional
    • Useful when not sure about the direction
    • \(\beta_2 \ne 0.3\)

Null Hypothesis \((H_0)\)

Your initial statement

Alternative Hypothesis \((H_1)\)

[Usually] complement of your initial statement

Also called as Maintained Hypothesis. It acts as the fallback in case null hypothesis is proven to be false.

Then the value of \(y\) is taken to be the value obtained from the sample

Number of Hypotheses

If \(n =\) no of independent variables, the number of hypothesis is \(2n + 1\)

\(+1\) is due to intercept(constant)


  1. Formula hypotheses

  2. Determine if one/two tailed test

  3. Construct a \(100(1-\alpha) \ \%\) confidence interval for \(\beta_2\)

  4. Determine critical values

  5. Determine rules to accept/reject null hypothesis

  6. Compare estimate-value with critical region

  7. Conclusion

    • If it lies within critical region, accept null hypothesis
    • If it lies outside critical region, reject null hypothesis
    • accept alternate hypothesis
    • \(\beta_2\) will take the sample value

Confidence Interval

\[ \begin{aligned} (1-\alpha) &= P(- t_{\alpha/2} \le \textcolor{hotpink}{t} \le +t_{\alpha/2}) \\ \textcolor{hotpink}{t} &= \frac{\hat \beta_2 - \beta_2}{\sigma(\hat \beta_2)} \end{aligned} \]
\[ (1-\alpha) = P(\hat \beta_2 t) \]
  • \(\alpha =\) level of significance
  • \((1-\alpha) =\) Confidence coefficient

Construct the confidence interval for \(t\) distribution, with \((n-2)\) degrees of freedom. This is because we have 2 unknowns.


Level of Significance

Tolerance level for error

This is

  • probability of committing type 1 error
  • probability of rejecting null hypothesis, and then getting sample value as the actual value just by chance
Field Conventional \(\alpha\) Conventional \((1 - \alpha) \%\)
Pure Sciences 0.01 99%
Social Sciences 0.05 95%
Psychology 0.10 90%

Normal Distribution

  • \(95 \%\) values lies within 1 standard deviation on each side from the center
  • \(2.5 \%\) values lies outside 1 standard deviation on left side
  • \(2.5 \%\) values lies outside 1 standard deviation on right side


Type 1 Type 2
Error of Rejecting correct null hypothesis Accepting incorrect null hypothesis
Meaning False Negative False Positive
Measured by \(\alpha\)
(Level of Significance)
Happens when Sample is not a good representation of population

Statistical Equivalence

0.5 can be statistically = 0, or not; depends on the context

\[ \begin{aligned} P(\text{rejecting } H_0) &\propto |t| \\ &\propto \text{Deviation of sample value from true value} \end{aligned} \]
\[ t = 0 \implies \hat \beta_2 = \beta_2 \]


Observed level of significance

\(\text{p value} \le \alpha \implies\) Reject null hypothesis

\(t=2\) Rule

For degree of freedom \(\ge 20\)

2 Tailed

\(H_0: \beta_2 = 0, H_0: \beta_2 \ne 0\)

If \(|t| > 2 \implies p \le 0.05 \implies\) reject \(H_0\)

1 Tailed

\(H_0: \beta_2 = 0, H_0: \beta_2 > 0\) or \(H_0: \beta_2 = 0, H_0: \beta_2 < 0\)

If \(|t| > 1.73 \implies p \le 0.05 \implies\) reject \(H_0\)

Why \(t\) distribution?

\(t\) distribution is a variant of \(z\) distribution

  • For small samples, we use \(t\) dist
  • For large sample, we use \(z\) dist
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
