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Financial System

Trade Types

Goal Related variables
Hedging Already have exposure
Not proactively adding risk to what you have
Currency exchange rate
Interest rate
Market Making Earn from bid offer
Proprietary Trading/Portfolio Management Maximize returns Directional: Long/Short
Arbitrage: Find relationship between prices & profit from mispricing
Value/Relative Value
Systematic modelling
Fundamental analysis

Parties of Financial Markets

Individual/Retail Investors
Dealers Trade with 1 one interested party when there is no market Take principal risks
Brokers Intermediary between 2 trade parties Don’t take principal risks
Mutual Funds Manage public-investors’ money in a long-only format
Insurance Companies
Pension Funds
Asset Managers
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Hedge Funds Find opportunities from inefficient market positioning/pricing
Private Equity Invest in companies
Governments Policy Makers
Intervene in certain cases
Corporate Hedgers
Liability Managers

Financing Types

Advantages Disadvantages
Direct - Information asymmetry
- Risk
Indirect - Information asymmetry alleviation
- Risk alleviation
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
