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Financial Crises

Stage 1: Buildup

Credit boom & bust

  1. Boom
  2. Financial liberalization: Reduced restrictions
  3. Financial innovation: New financial product
  4. Bust
  5. Lenders may lack expertise and/or incentives to manage risk appropriately

Asset-price boom & post


Increased uncertainty

  • Hard to obtain information
  • Reduced lending
  • Reduced economic activity

Stage 2: Banking Crisis

Stage 3: Debt Deflation

Underwater mortgage problem

Deflationary spiral: Deflation increase defaults, and that causes more deflation

Case Studies

Great Depression

Asian Tigers

Dot-Com Bubble

Tech bubble/Internet bubble

2008 Financial Bubble

  • Housing prices
  • Stock prices


  • Failure for default prediction algorithms
  • Used FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) Score
  • The models were trained on dataset where housing prices always increased
  • Financial innovations
  • Securitization: Process of building small loans (like mortgages) into standard debt securities
  • CDO: Collateralized Debt Obligations
  • CDS: Credit Default Swap
  • Agency problems in mortgage markets
  • Asymmetric information
  • Credit-Rating Services

AI Bubble coming in 2030s?

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
