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Entrepreneurship Types

Meaning Small-Medium Entrepreneurship Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship
Focus Market Local Global
Risk Lower Higher
Usually Service-Based
Annual cashflow with time Stable and then levels off




Innovation \(\ne\) Invention

  • Innovation generates value
  • Invention = any new idea
\[ \text{Innovation} = \text{Invention} \times \text{Commercialization} \]


  • Technology
  • Process
  • Business Model
  • Position
  • Other


  • Disruptive
  • Incremental
  • Lateral

Ways to Start a Company

Tech push Market Pull Passion
Possess Technological advantage Problem
Solution looking for a market Market looking for a solution
Not enough
You need to go to other 2

Myths of Entrepreneurship

Myth Truth
Entrepreneurs are the most successful and highest achievers Usually good at only few things
Entrepreneurs are individualist Good team is required
Entrepreneurs are born Entrepreneurs are made
Entrepreneurs love risk Entrepreneurs take calculated risk in advantageous areas
Entrepreneurs are charismatic Entrepreneurs create change through leadership
- Vision
- Sense-making capability
- Network/Relationships
- Innovation engineering
- Personal signature
Entrepreneurs are undisciplined Entrepreneurs are disciplined
- Explorative spirit of a pirate
- Execution discipline of a Navy Seal Team Six


  1. Identify the problem
  2. 5 whys

Market Segmentation

  1. Primary market research

  2. What problem

  3. What they think of idea

  4. Understand needs of customer

    • Rational
    • Emotional
    • Social
  5. Limit to a few consumer segments

  6. Secondary research

  7. Select a Beachhead Market: market that can be captured easily, and also facilitates growth into other markets

Do not trust online, always do your own research

Requirements of Starting

  1. Knowledge
  2. Capability/Skills
  3. Connections
  4. Financial Assets
  5. Name Recognition
  6. Credibility, from past work experience
  7. Passion
  8. Commitment

What makes a business

Until you have paying customers, you do not have a business

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
