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Refining and Presenting your Venture Idea

title: Success Rate of Startups
"Succeed": 1
"Moderate": 3
"Fail": 6
  • 1/10 startups succeed
  • 6/10 startups


Long term plan: Exit Strategy

Going public
Get acquired - In technology, this is not the right way to pitch.
- It gives a message to investors that you are not interested in long-term growth. You’re just interested in build, sell and run

Why would anyone want to acquire a company anyways?

  • Startups are faster at innovating than large companies.
Startup Corporate
Employees’ Motivation Get rich by stocks Stable lifestyle
Same goal ✅ ❌
No internal competition ✅ ❌
Other employees will try to make you look bad so that they can get ahead of you

Elevator Pitch

For target customers who are dissatisfied with current solution, our product is a new product category that provides key problem solving opportunity. Unlike a competitive substitute, we have assembled key whole product features.

  • It has to be spot-on since investors get thousands of pitches. They can easily determine if your pitch is valuable or not.
  • Induce greed & urgency in the investors

The Pitch: KISS


  1. Hook
  2. < 7 seconds to engage audience
  3. Phrases

    1. “Imagine … ”
    2. “Have you ever felt …”
    3. “Do you get ”
  4. Solution

  5. Technology
  6. Business Model
  7. Marketing & Sales
  8. Competition
  9. Management
  10. Financials
  11. Status & Timeline
  12. The Offer


  • Focus should be on customer benefits, not on the technology

  • Simple - No technical jargon

  • Tailor the pitch for the Target Audience

  • Lowest Common Denominator: Explain keeping in mind the least experienced/knowledgeable audience member

  • Short (10/20/30): Audience questions will always take it to an hour, so prepare accordingly

  • Pictures

  • Answer details/curveballs quickly. 2 options:

  • “No, that’s not the case. From our research, this is why short reason. I’ll get back to you in more detail later.”

  • “That’s a very good point. We are not very familiar with. Let’s discuss this in more detail later.”

Make sure to shut off them quickly because you have an agenda to complete.

  • Presentation

  • Passion and confidence

  • Engage the audience
  • Slow and calm speech
  • Get everyone nodding along with what you are saying


  • Best presenter should be presenting
  • Be/bring a highly knowledgeable teammate in the room
  • Give firm answers
  • Look at everyone in the room
  • Do your research on your audience
  • Pull questions

When to Raise Money

  • Finish closing money at least 6 months before you need it
  • Make pitches to investors simultaneously. This way investors are not influenced by other investors
  • Be “introduced”/use testimonials
  • If you have 2 offers, prefer the quality of investor over the amount they’re offering

Business Basics

  • Profit & Cash Flow
  • Business PLan
  • Be flexible (Lean Startup methodology)
  • Initial vs Final Product/Service may not necessarily be the same
  • Speed of progress is more important than Patents/Intellectual Property
  • Mission
  • The Team
  • Chemistry
  • Should be able to handle shocks
  • Convey that you are
  • Be willing to persist after failure
  • Experienced to do a startup
  • Speed of Execution
  • Focused about your value proposition. Pivot; You don’t always end up finishing with the idea you started with, but don’t keep changing your project unnecessarily
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
