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Sacrificing current resources with the expectation of future gains

  • Sacrificing current resources is certain
  • Future returns has risk & uncertainty

It is nearly impossible to “beat the market” consistently

Investment vs Speculation

Investment Speculation
Buying undervalued, holding for a long time and selling high, hence making a large
capital gain
Buying and selling of high-risk securities with anticipation of earning higher returns in the short-term
Horizon Long Short


Total income an investor gets from their investment every year

Compensation for

  • Time
  • Inflation
  • Risk
  • Opportunity cost (Compensation for postponing consumption)

Investment Amount Factors

  • Income
  • Expenses (Necessary/Optional)
  • Time Horizon
  • Expected Return
  • Risk tolerance

Investment Steps

  1. Set investment objectives (Factors)
  2. Major asset allocation
  3. Portfolio generation

  4. Asset/Security selection

  5. Proportion

  6. Execution

  7. Performance Review
  8. Portfolio Revision: Inclusion/exclusion of assets in an existing portfolio or changing the ratio of funds invested

Compare portfolio with benchmark returns and revise portfolio 7. Go to step 1

Investment Objectives

  • Returns
  • Regular Income
    • Stock Dividends
    • Bond Coupon
    • Zero-coupon bond maturity repayment should not be taken as capital appreciation; it is interest income
  • Capital Appreciation
    • Stock Value
    • Bond Value increment due to change in market interest rate
  • Safety/Risk
  • Liquidity
  • Tax factors: Govt security bonds are free from tax

  • Ease of management

  • Legal & regulatory factors
  • Unique needs & preferences
  • Duration of investment
  • Frequency of performance evaluation

Asset Allocation

Strategic Tactical
Approach buy-and-hold
Duration Long-term Short-term

Security Selection

Value Stock Growth Stock
Valuation Under-valued Overvalued
Price to earnings Low High
Volatility Low High
Dividends High Low/No
Source of Return Dividends Expected capital gain
Cyclical Stock Defensive Stock
Volatility High Low
Sensitivity to market trends High Low
Company usually deals with Luxury goods Necessities
Comment Follow all cycles of economy: expansion, peak, and recession, recovery Outperform market during economic slowdown


Always invest in business, not stocks

Stocks don’t always ‘win’ in the long-run. Index funds are better, as they keep revising the portfolio. Easier to invest in index funds for passive income rather than evaluating yourself.

Yield on bond market actually is more volatile than stock market, due to fluctuations in the interest rate



Fully-taxable regardless of the dividend amount

Exception: if you are below the taxable income slab

Capital Gains

Tax in India Taxable when
Short-Term Capital Gains
15% Any gain
Long-Term Capital Gains
10% Only if gain > 1 lakh


  • When comparing investments, remember about Survivorship Bias
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
