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  • What should be adapted
  • What should be preserved


Swadeshi movement

Under-development Causes

  • Lack of leadership
  • Political instability
  • Corruption
  • Law of civic culture
  • Cultural resistance
  • Misues of foreign assistant
  • Over-dependence on agriculture
  • Lowe per capita incme
  • Low literacy, Low skill, Lack of basic services
  • Lack of natural resources

Reasons for Japan’s Success

  • Adapt to geographical situation despite natural disasters
  • Highly-literate population
  • Civic culture
  • Early development of transport & banking systems
  • Niche technology development
  • Strong cooperation between govt & businesses

Indicators of Development

  • Economic development: GDP, GNP, PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)
  • Occupational structure
  • Energy consumption
  • Transportation & communication
  • Consumption of manufactured metal per peron
  • Literacy rate
  • % of income spent on consumption of food
  • Nutritional intake: Caloric, Proteins
  • Per capita savings
  • Infrastructure: Roads, Railways
  • GNH

These are not causes of development

GNH - Gross National Happiness

  • Sustainable & equitable socio-economic development
  • Environmental conservation
  • Preservation of identity & culture
  • Good governance

Case study of Bhutan

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
