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Right to Development

Development must be seen as a fundamental human right, regardless of whatever the type of government

Rights are those claims and demands of an individual/group of individuals to live a good life which are accepted by the community/society and recognized by the State

Human rights are generally defined as these rights, which are inherent in our nature, and without, which we cannot live as human being.

Goal of development is enlargement of human choices

Aspects of Development

  • Human security
  • Economic freedom
  • Political security

Human Security

Protecting people from critical and pervasive threats and situations, building on their strengths and aspirations. It also means creating systems that give people the building blocks of survival, dignity and livelihood

Lack of human security is costly for development, mainly through reduction in productivity

Imbalanced development that involves horizontal inequalities is a major source of conflict, which leads to a vicious cycle.

Traditional vs Human Security

Traditional Human
Promote demands ascribed to the state protection of individuals
Oriented State-centered People-centered
Examples State boundaries
Participants State

Aspects of security

Economic Unemployment
Economic inequality
Health Infectious disease
Environment Environmental pollution
  • Health
  • Environmental
  • Person
  • Community
  • Political


Data in India is not collected the right way

Only those who report themselves as unemployed to state government are calculated as part of the


  • Rights-Holders
  • entitled to rights
  • entitled to claim rights
  • entitled to hold duty-bearer accountable
  • responsible to respect rights of others
  • Duty-bearer
  • Obligated to

Principles of HRBA

  • Direct links to human rights
  • Common Participation

Types of Models

  • Top-down
  • Bottom-up: Better

Case Studies


Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
