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Data Interpretation

  • Graph
  • Table

Types of questions

  • MCQ
  • MCQ Multiselect
  • Numeric entry

Usually 1 set of data interpretation questions per quantitative section

  • Grouped together
  • All refer to same info source


  • Real-life math
  • Statistics
  • Percents
  • Ratios
  • Probability
  • Interpretation

Time allotment

Min Per question
Quantitative comparison 1.25
Numeric entry 2
Data interpretation 2


  1. Understand big picture
  2. Read any accompanying text
  3. Pay attention to units of measurement
  4. For graphics with axes
    1. Read axis labels
    2. Check if axis starts at zero
    3. Check axis increment: linear/log
  5. Identify trends/relationships
    1. Spike/level out/cyclical
    2. One factor influences another
  6. Read the question
  7. Check the units of question and units in data
  8. Check answer choices before performing calculations
  9. Indicate correct form of answer (fraction/decimal)
  10. Degree of accuracy


  • All visual graphics are drawn to scale
  • Estimate whenever possible
  • Do not confuse absolutes with rates/percents


  • Venn Diagram
  • Scatter Plot: Correlation, Trend line
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
