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07 Assignment Model

Special case of transportation model, where no of supply nodes always = no of demand nodes

Input is a \(n \times n\) matrix, where

  • \(n\) workers are assigned to \(n\) jobs
  • cells contain the value of cost associated with assignment


is one of the following

  • minimize the total time to complete a set of jobs
  • minimize cost of assignments
  • maximize the skill ratings
  • maximize total satisfaction of customers


  • Each machine/worker is assigned \(\le 1\) job
  • Each job is assigned to exactly 1 machine/worker


  1. Operations

  2. Row operation \(R_i = R_i - \text{min} (R_i)\)

  3. Col operation \(C_i = C_i - \text{min} (C_i)\)


  4. Col operation \(C_i = C_i - \text{min} (C_i)\)

  5. Row operation \(R_i = R_i - \text{min} (R_i)\)

  6. Assign jobs to workers

  7. Only cells with value = 0 can be assigned

  8. Assignment of a cell must be unique

  9. Cost of completion = Initial values of the assigned cells

Special Cases

Case Method
No Unique Solution found 1. Draw minimum number of horizontal/vertical lines in the last reduced matrix, passing through all 0s
2. Select smallest uncovered element
3. Subtract it from every uncovered element
4. Add it to every element at the intersection
5. If no feasible solution, go to step 1
6. Else, determine the optimal solution
Unbalanced Assignment Add rows/columns as required
Fill empty rows/columns with 0s
Maximization Assignment Problem Multiple all cells with -1 (only for first operation)
Be careful of -ve sign
Final value = -1 x Total Cost
Disallowed Assignment If some cell is missing data, fill it in withย \(M\) (a very large number)
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
